
Today I decided I could not wait any longer to see if we had pops under the stalks! I dug up just one of the Colleen, there were 11 potatoes under it, weighing in at just over 1 lb or 500 grms.Some of them are quite small the largest being about the size of an egg.The skins are wonderfully light,the slightest touch rubs it off. I will leave them for another week before trying another one.The proof of the pops is in the eating so they will be used tonight for dinner for 2.
The rest of the 'booty' from the allotment, 6 lovely fresh eggs just gathered this morning.Zwena collects them every morning and leaves them in the fridge in the tea room. There is an honesty policy in operation money is left in a mug for the eggs to go towards the cost of feed for the hens.They are 4.20e a dozen but even one can be taken if that is all you want.The hens are really getting the hang of the egg laying and the daily total is increasing, some of them are small but one hen is laying quite large eggs!
Our Open Day is on Sat 20th June and this year we are going all out to have a super day with all of the new plot holders. Everyone can bring friends and family to view their own and others plots and we will be on hand to answer any questions. We spent the morning painting in glorious sunshine. Zwena has lots of old farm implements stored in the barn and outhouses so they are all being cleaned and painted and being put out on display as it has been a working farm for many years and the machinery tells the history of the place. Photo shows some of the painting crew at work , I had painted the seed sower on the left of the photo, it is blue and yellow.In the centre is a mobile forge which would have been taken around the farms shoeing horses. The item on the right is a weeder. These old timers had already thought of labour saving devices this generation has just improved and mechanised them
Zwena brought us down some of Elderberry cordial which Chris had made.I was a bit dubious at first but it was delicious,tasting faintly of lemon. Zwena thought it had an after flavour similar to Lychees.Thanks Chris! Life on the allotment is really getting to be fun this year with lots going on and so many new faces, all with great ideas on growing and producing.


Anonymous said…
that certainly looks like the makings of a bumper crop!the shopping trips must be dwindling already you have such bountiful goodness coming through! i hope to be at the opening day on the 20th!
Ann said…
Sounds wonderful on the allotments Peggy, wish I could come to the open day.

Love your crocheted blanket and the beautiful little girl too!
Anonymous said…
I hope it goes well at open house. You have so much to be proud of.

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