Tea pots and cosies
Knitting tea cosies is getting addictive! This one is a gift for a friend who enjoys a cuppa and still puts on the kettle when you call. It is meant to be a basket of flowers, all knitted. Great fun and fast to do, another one of our EBay patterns.I am making blooms in another way.
This is one of my tea pot collection, one my kids bought me years ago as a gift.I had never taken much notice of it until recently as it has been on top of a unit in the kitchen.Underneath is the name Paul Cardew, I googled the name and there is wealth of information about this particular designer and his tea pots. Some of which are quite rare and expensive! I could not get any information on my particular one, It seems to be a market stall of china and there is a separate little piece which is a little table cloth and a miniature teapot.
This is the underneath of the tea pot, showing a number and the signature of the designer, Paul Cardew written in what appears to be gold! Any or all ideas or information would be welcome.
This is why I am knitting and again indoors concentrating on tea and all things warm and comforting. This is my back garden with the snow drifting down and it is -1% at this minute as I am blogging.I know neither the amount of snow we have had or the temperatures are as bad as some of my blogging friends are enduring in other parts of the world, but for us it is COLD!!