Hydro Allotments

I have hardly been able to get near the computer all weekend as my youngest son and eldest grandson were here playing computer games. I did not really mind as it was ideal weather for gardening.Ed,Kevin and myself spent a few hours there on Sat and as i had forgotten to take my camera I went out alone for a while yesterday and took a walk around the plots.I met some of our new plot holders having a look at their holdings, it is great to see young couples interested in taking up organic gardening.As can be seen in the photo top, nearly all of the plots are nearly ready to go for the new season.There will be great competition this year!

This photo taken from the lower end of the plots showing the right hand side of the allotments

This view is up the left hand side from the lower end also.There are 20 plots here in all and 5 in the walled garden.We had put our name down for a second one and Zwena told us on Sat that the lady who was next to us last year is taking one of the new plots so we now have our second one right next to us! Kevin was thrilled at the prospect of having a whole new area to dig!

One of the plots with a nice tidy shed which I am told was a Christmas present!We plot holders are very easy to buy for, anything garden related.This one has lots of beds laid out ready to go as soon as the ground warms up a little which should not be too long now if this weather continues for a few weeks.

This is the entrance to William and Liam's plot, they have 3 side by side and William put up this lovely cottage garden type gate and archway, there is a climbing rose to the side but no flowers out at this time of the year.
Hydro allotments have a great historical background ,Zwena will have to put it together as it is of great interest. There was once an exclusive hotel on the estate with Hydro Spa hence the name and I believe many famous people stayed there 'taking the waters'. The estate was completely self sufficient and where our plots are now was once the walled kitchen gardens.


Anonymous said…

Another great read. One question though, what is the average size of a plot.

Unknown said…
Very nice, oh and the competition will be fierce I'm sure. I have a secret competition going on in my head with my neighbor's yard, LOL>
Barbarapc said…
I was going to ask why they were called Hydro allotments and there right at the end, the answer! Congrats on the second plot, and what luck to have it right next door.
Tracy Bruring said…
This would be such a fun way to garden, with other like minded folks around to talk to. very cool.
Peggy it's so exciting that you managed to get a 2nd plot - can't wait to see what you do with it, and what lovely things you grow there !
Peggy said…
Hi Liam, the average is about 30x20 feet,does not sound much until you start digging!
Thanks to you all for commenting, I may be missing quite a lot from bloging once we start digging on the second plot.
Peggy said…
Liam ,I hope you read the comments here, I have visited your blog which is shaping up to be fantastic by the way! I cannot leave a comment as your comment moderation is not loading up the word!
You may have lots of visitors but not know about it!
Anonymous said…
Thanx for the tip Peggy, must look into that,Teck is not my forte, but I'll see what can be done.

As you know I did about 15x15 today, and Im cream crackered, going to be stiff tomorrow.

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