I woz Googled!

I have not been able to visit blogs for two days not even my own one yesterday! Anytime I clicked on a link a Google warning came up saying I could not be connected as it looked as if the command was coming from an illegal computer or words to that effect! Sometimes I was able to click in to one blog and then was cut off after a couple of minutes! I could not open my own blog yesterday! Definitely worried then,closed down everything checked my Windows defender was working, that was Ok. Then checked if Windows firewall was working that was OK.Then ran a full scan on the Macafee security even though it is set to scan every week. Nothing detected there, not even query?
I am careful about not opening anything I am not sure of and chain emails are deleted immediately. We all get these from time to time passing on prayers etc but anything where you are asked to add your name to a petition etc is a way of gathering email addresses for selling on or spamming.
I turned off the computer and plugged out the whole thing and did not turn on until tonight, so far I am in the clear, Google seems to have decided I am no longer persona non gratia!
No gardening done this week apart from putting my mini greenhouse outdoors, too dark now to take a photo. It is double wrapped with bubble wrap to protect the seedlings. My two spare bedrooms (greenhouses!) are taken up for a week with two students arriving,one on Sat from France and the second on Sun from Denmark.
The house has been decluttered, all my sewing, knitting and painting materials were spread out all over!
Providing Google allows me to stay in the fold I will be back soon with more.


Unknown said…
Glad you are back, wanna see the greenhouse you know!!
Anonymous said…
I understand what you mean. Last week I had the worse time trying to leave comments. I would get a comment wrote out and when I went to "publish comment" it would go to error.
I also scanned my computer for viruses. I hope it all gets straightened out soon.

I hope you and your guests have a great weekend.
Lona said…
Google has been changing some things such as the Followers gadget, of which I liked the old one better, but it had us all messed up. We couldn't leave comments we all lost Followers from our lists that we never got back after the change. So hopefully they are done changing and everyone will be go for blogging.
Technology is a bit like growing stuff, you never quite know what to expect next. Glad your sorted
Sorry to hear about your computer problems - I've heard of other people experiencing problems like yours too (but all back to normal now) & I believe that just this week Google was experiencing major problems themselves, with many of their users not able to access email etc so I don't think it is you/your computer which is always a relief as we all know how nasty computer viruses can be !
HelenJ said…
I had the same problem yesterday. I think it was something wrong with Google or Blogger. After a few hours everything worked as usual again. But meanwhile, I was afraid I had got a virus or sonething!
Glad you're back too...
Barbarapc said…
Computers are grand when they're working and the most frustrating, confounding piece of nonsense when they're not. Looking forward to seeing gardening progress. I'm living vicariously through all my warmer weather blogger friends.
Hi all,

Not wanting to sound like a copycat, but strangely enough when I opened my blog via a short cut on my desk top for the past 2 days the posts were missing but all the other stuff down the side of the page was there. About 10 minutes ago I decided to enter the blog address top search bar of my page and everything looked as it should going in that way. Then I went back to my short cut on the desk top, went in that way and everything was back again, now I had been fiddling around with deleting history etc on friday so maybe that caused my problem. I should say that a pop up told me to delete history etc as it was causing some problem or other.
Peggy said…
Whew! I am so glad to hear it is not just me being targeted by Google! I am sure you are all in the same postion as me in that you designate some computer time in an otherwise busy schedule and then the problems crop up. Hopefully Google has finished whatever it was doing and we are all back to normal.
Thanks to everyone for comments and advice.
Anonymous said…
I had a windows virus before Christmas and it crashed the whole puter. I got a Mac cause the virus fried the other puter. I hope that isn't what is wrong with yours. It sorta sounds like it might me. My symantac antivirus did not catch it.

It came in through my pdf files somehow. It will stay dormant in your puter and then not allow you to log in one day or it will keep logging you off the page you are viewing. Very nasty Malware. It reconfigures your antivirus system.

I know exactly when it happened. I clicked on a chat button from a very trusted blogger site. It was in her sidebar and she was using it. The minute I clicked on it.......I could hear it downloading. I hope you don't have that.

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