Being Green with Shakespeare!
Yesterdays harvest became todays dinner.I made the Spinach and Feta Cheese flan which is becoming a favourite. Some of the new potaoes were very small so I boiled them and allowed them to go cold. I blanched the beans in salted water and refreshed under cold water. I mixed them together with salt,pepper and mayo and had a lovely salad to go with the flan plus some lettuce.While reading allotment2kitchen last night I came across much the same recipe but used warm! There is also a lovely recipe for raspberry oaty bars which I intend to try rather than making jam with all of ours. These potatoes are the Orlas and these were the first I used of them.I noticed some holes in them, while they look like worm holes surely our nice worms who turn our waste into compost know the difference between our good spuds and waste??!!All info appreciated, I will post the photo and question on gardeners forum also. Back to Shakespeare, while unpacking I came across this bag I had bought in Stratford on ...