Snow and Spring

This is what we awoke to this morning! The forecast did say some snow showers but here in the south we did not expect to see any thinking it would fall on hills only.7.00am the place was white and pristine with gentle snow flakes falling, then it looked as if it was going to melt away which is what usually happens here but the wind picked up and the top photo was taken at 10.00am! The sun has come out now even though the temps are showing 1% Celsius the snow is going.

The contorted hazel looks drab and dowdy during the year but when it loses its foliage the twisted branches have a beauty of their own which is highlighted with a covering of snow.Behind it is a Kilmarnock willow, it is a specially grafted willow that remains miniature.

This is the same willow taken yesterday morning around the same time! I had taken some photos of the flowers in the garden to post but did not have time after but they look much more interesting with the contrast in weather today.

A tiny crocus blooming alone, I don't know where her companions are but they may have heard the forecast and decided to lay low for a while.

Miniature daffs which come up each year in a tub, I did not put them there so can't figure out where they came from but glad they are blooming again. They are small and perfectly formed about 6 ins high. The mini greenhouse is covered in snow, I am afraid to take down the bubble wrap to check on the well being of the seedlings just hoping they have survived the drop in temps last night. The sun is shining again albeit with a very cold wind blowing so I am keeping my fingers crossed!


Latane Barton said…
Isn't it weird that the snow seems to wait until the spring flowers begin to bloom? I love the hazel... sort of like I am, all twisted. ha.
The Kilmarnock willow.... we have a town by that name here in Va. USA
Linda Jordan said…
The boys were thrilled to see all the snow this morning. It seems to be whenever Ben is feeling sick that the snow comes to stay for a bit. Love the photos, didn't even get a chance to get my camera out. Katy needed feeding and then we fell asleep, snow was all gone when we woke. :)
Hi Peggy, The snow looks lovely, though I suppose it becomes a nuisance after a while. It gets coldish here and has only snowed once or twice in a 100 years.
Sometimes I wish I was just a little colder so as it would snow and make being cold worthwhile.
Jo said…
Oh what beautiful photos of the snow and then the spring bulbs flowering. I hope your greenhouse plants have survived. As I said, I have better Internet connection now and will be visiting your blog regularly. Thanks for a "crisp" post! Hugs Jo
Beautiful snow pictures and flower shots of spring! Lovely! We did enjoy our one snow and I am enjoying our 70's degree weather now!Thanks so much for all your sweet comments on my blog. It's always so good to see you there...I think that black bird with the buff stripe MUST have been a redwing, though it sure didn't look like one!

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