Mini Greenhouse

I have my computer all to myself! Youngest son is not on playing a computer game, the two students are not catching up with their friends on Facebook etc and Google is operating normally. I have spent some ME time replying to emails and visiting my favourite blogs to see what everyone has been up to.
I had to move my mini greenhouse outdoors last week and I put everything out as they were and covered it with bubble wrap.Sunday afternoon was mild and sunny for a couple of hours so I unwrapped it. Everything had survived the move except the Lupins, only one was upright. I still lots of seeds left so I can replant them.I spent the time repotting the tomato plants. I took 5 or 6 of the strongest plants from each seed tray and replanted them in fresh compost in individual pots, up to their necks again. It worked the last time and I have since read that when transplanting tomatoes to cover them up to the bottom set of leaves each time they are moved in to a larger pot as it encourages more roots to develop to support the plant as it gets bigger.

The tomato plants in their single pots and the sunflowers grew second leaves since the move outside so they and the peas have now been staked. I did not discard the rest of the tomato plants just in case the ones I selected have any mishap!They are still in trays on the bottom.I have a bag of compost on the bottom shelf to anchor down the greenhouse in case of march winds arriving.

Everything was watered and I recovered the whole thing with the bubble wrap again.The condensation by day should keep everything moist for another few days.I checked this morning as we had some frost last night but everything looks healthy so far.
I bought this greenhouse in B&Q a few weeks ago but I see Aldi have a bigger walk in one coming on sale on Thursday quite reasonably priced.
We had a veg growing workshop in the allotments on Sat and Sun afternoon but I was not able to attend as both students arrived at the time they were being held! Kathryn went on Sat and has 4 pages of notes taken so we will go over them and see what applies to us.I did go out to the plots for a few minutes yesterday but only to collect pots I needed for the transplanting.I met 2 new plot holders, both young people who are interested in organic and herb growing and full of enthusiasm for digging!Long may it last.


Unknown said…
This all looks promising, good job!
Peggy it looks like a lot of hard work has gone into it, but will be worth it in the end when you reap the rewards ! Glad to hear that your computer problems are now sorted, & that you have your computer to yourself for a while, too !
Latane Barton said…
Glad that you are finding some ME time although I don't know how with all those seedlings to tend to. They look great
Barbarapc said…
The little greenhouse looks wonderfully snug - like the idea of the bubble wrap. I planted the first of my edibles yesterday on my light table - a coriander 'Delfino' (that doesn't taste like coriander - it has a lovely ferny leaf) and a Greek oregano.
Looking good there Peggy, Have you phone numbers for those 2 young people ''full of enthusiasm for digging!'', I have a job for them :-)
Anonymous said…
You got a lot done and love the use of bubble wrap. I have tons of seeds to plant in the next week. All your babies are doing grand.

I got to your blog but I had to leave my blog and google your name. I couldn't follow the link from my blog. I'll investigate that.

I just had to find out what you are up to. So you have two students? I got to go catch up and find out who they are.
Cathy said…
Hello Peggy
I came to visit via clara's blog and am itching to know how things will turn out in your allotment this year.
It should be good as you've put in so much hard work already.
Will be back again for another instalment
Take care
Peggy said…
Hi everyone thanks for visiting and taking the time to leave comments, I do appreciate them.It is always nice when new visitors leave a comment, I know from the feedjit stats that lots of people stay for a while and pass on but don't comment!
best wishes to all again

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