Nearly There

This will be a short(ish)post as I have lots to do but if I don't post tonight it will be Tuesday before I am back on the computer.I went out to the plot twice today so Kathryn is on watering duties for the weekend as the weather is supposed to pick up and I am off to Robert's Cove for a break.The new plot is nearly in shape, only 2 beds to plant up and they are earmarked for leeks and calabrese and maybe a few winter cabbages.I collected 2 bags of compost from our municipal composter which I only found out about recently even though it is very near me!All green waste can be taken there and the finished compost is free to take away. it is fairly strong stuff and they recommend it to be dug into the soil rather than used for mulch. I dug it onto the celery bed and planted the self blanching celery into it.
The herb bed has been finished for a few days but owing to the camera problems I have not posted it before.
To the right is the new rhubarb bed, lots of horse manure and I took a chance and moved our one rhubarb plant even though it is totally the wrong time.It looks as if it is perking up but for a couple of days it was touch and go.I will but another couple of plants to complete the bed.The bed next to it has seeds sown for white turnips, more carrots and coriander, under the netting are brussel sprouts and some summer cabbage.
In the background and to the far right are our main crop potates, all up now!
The herb bed with a bark mulch.Some of them are quite small and it is hard to see them against the mulch.There is parsley,thyme, dill,chives,marjoram,sage and a lupin for colour.It will be next year before they reach a good size.
The apple tree with the celery bed in the background
Our peas have some pods developing on them!Lots of flowers and hopefully lots more peas to come.
It is hard to see but there are flowers on our Colleens. We are getting worried about potato blight now as it is nearly time for it to make its entrance and the weather is warming up to provide the right conditions for it!Some of the plotters are talking about spraying by next week.
I spent the afternoon in the poly greenhouse sorting out the tomatoes.I have put up strings to support the ones remaining in there and have picked 2 each of Tigerella, Marmand,Berner Rose and Incas, they are now on ground level and the shelves have been taken out.I picked off lots of side shoots ,some of them were quite big.I know a lot of people say it is not necessary but there is no point in allowing too many of them to grow as they will sap a lot of the energy of the plant.
I am leaving the door tied up as it is very hot in there now,I put all the other tomatoes outside to harden off until I decide what to do with them.Some of the plants are setting flowers now, so they have all been watered and fed for the weekend.
I will visit lots of blogs next week to make up for lack of time this week, have a great weekend everyone.


Latane Barton said…
What a great idea, the municipal composting heap. Wish someone around here would think of that.
Anonymous said…
Hi Peggy,
It all looks really good.

Have a great weekend and fun at Robert's Cove.

Ann said…
It's all looking very productive Peggy, fancy having peapods already, that's great! The weather here is very hot and humid today so my one tomato plant is outside at last!!!
Anonymous said…
Hi Peggy - very interested to hear about the municipal compost thing - where is it?
Peggy said…
The municipal composter is in the Ard Bhaile estate in Mayfield.You have to go into the Ard Bhaile Area office ,anyone will tell you where it is, and one of the caretakers will take you down to it for the compost.Its just a few yards down the road but kept locked unless one of the caretakers opens it for you.

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