
There were gale force winds forecast for today in the south so I went out to the allotment for a quick look to make sure everything was secured as were others who braved the elements to go out. I returned home and went out the back to make sure everything was OK and found one of my mini greenhouses had blown over!I had removed the bag of compost from the bottom one day when I needed to use it and as it looked like summer was here I did not think of replacing it and paid the price today.It had not completely blown down as it fell against the patio table which kept it at almost a 45% angle I had not opened the front which I normally do in the morning to let some air in and stop too much heat building up.When I righted it, it did not look too bad,some things were still in pots and trays and the ones that had keeled over had not suffered any damage so I repotted them.The pumpkins were on the bottom shelf so had remained potted even if at an angle.
Upright and repotted,the marjoram herbs on the top shelf got the worst of the tumble but I replaced them in their pots.The Anthirrinums were all over the place but not broken.Calabrese and sage were OK and celery and pumpkins on the bottom survived. I bought the celery plants in tubs and repotted them,from one tub I got about 11 plants which I repotted individually.
The second one was OK for the moment,from the top are Thyme( not in photo), Dill and nasturtiums which I had only put out this morning from the bedroom windowsill! I had set 24 seeds, 10 popped up within days so I pricked them out into pots and re-covered the tray with a plastic cover and 7 more are up today, there is also another tray of lettuce plants. On the bottom are pots of basil and parsley which I have to admit I bought!One tub for 2.30e yielded about 13 separate plants!
Still on the bedroom windowsill are the remainder of the nasturtiums,sweet peppers, cucumber and courgette.
After cleaning up I secured them with more bags of compost, I added another bag after taking the photo just to be sure to be sure!This is what I was and am really worried about in the gale! I was running out of space as the tomato plants needed repotting into bigger pots. I had seen this in a hardware store in Ballincollig for 119.00e I took a few days debating whether it was worth the price when I saw the same one in Atkins for 99.00e so I bought it on Friday and erected it.All 70 of the tomato plants are in there, I did not take a chance on opening it in the gale to take an interior photo! I hope it is sheltered enough where it is between the shed and the hedge, it is not moving anyway so I will just have to keep on eye on it, not that that will do much good if it blows!


David in Kansas said…
Are those prices in Euros?

I live in the Great Plains of the US and the wind here is a Great Pain sometimes --actually, all the time.

Glad to see you were able to salvage your plants.
Maureen said…
Ah, sorry to hear about you greenhouse. The same happened to me at the beginning of the year, but I lost some plants and had to sow more seeds. Now I wedge a heavy garden coffee table in front of them if windy weather is forecast.
Barbarapc said…
Peggy - so glad you were able to put most of everything back together. It's so hard to think of everything. Can see myself doing exactly the same thing - who would think that those soils were the greenhouse ballast? Like the new tomato condo - did you say 70 tomato plants?!
You were lucky not to lose all your plants.
sharonl said…
Sorry to hear about your greenhouse Peggy, at least you got most of them potted back up. I'm only hoping my carrot fly barrier has stood up to the wind, I'm not quite sure the barrier was that strong.
Ann said…
Oh what a nuisance! I'm sure we never used to get this wind in May. Glad you managed to salvage everything. I'd better go out and check my plants! It's been very windy here too.
The Mulch said…
Oh dear Peggy - nightmare - Glad to hear that you were succesful in saving most of it.

As you know it happened to me too. Dont be too dispirited. Everything sounds shipshape once again.
Peggy said…
Hi everyone thanks for commiserating you will be glad to know the tomato condo as babarapc called it did survive the night of wind and gales and the two mini greenhouses are still standing!
David in Kansas: the prices are euros, wind of this strength is unusual for us in May which can usually be one of our better months!
Anonymous said…
Peggy we may get 70mph winds tonight and my seedlings are perched on the edge of danger with my rickety cold frame. You did a grand job putting it all back together and happy the tomato condo survived. We've had much needed rain but a very stormy Spring.

Just rolling across out weather channel screen is a report of 100 mph winds in our state of Illinois. So the US has some terrible storms today. I pray that everyone is safe.

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