Plot is 'Greening' Up!

Yesterday looked warm and sunny but a little windy so, perfect day for digging! I dug over the bed for the sweetcorn which had lots of well rotted horse manure on since last week. The manure was dug into it as I was working. I planted the sweetcorn approx 14ins apart and about 15ins between the rows. Kathryn had started these off in pots so they had hardened off and hopefully they do not appeal to the pigeons! I had planted seeds of squash from our seed swap, something we have not grown before or even tasted. The beauty of having space to grow and try veg we normally would not buy.
The American Indians used a 'Three Sisters' method of planting sweetcorn,squash and beans, I used a two sister one of sweetcorn and squash only. I planted one squash plant at the end between each row of corn.I dug a fairly deep hole, filled with manure some earth on top and then the squash plant.I hope they realise they are supposed to grow inwards between the rows of corn and not out over the paths!I planted 11 seeds which all germinated fairly fast, they literally burst up over the compost. I was in a garden shop on Thurs and they were selling smaller ones for 1.20e each!
The red cabbage bed,these were taken out to the plot on Thurs as they had been growing on in pots at home. I had bought these as small plants and repotted them into a compost mix of compost, fish,blood and bone and a handful of lime. They took on a growth spurt fairly quickly.They are interplanted with some of the lettuce plants the girls grew from seed and of course covered from the marauding pigeons!
The cauliflowers bought also and repotted the same as the red cabbages.I wanted to get a net tunnel but all of them are expensive so tried making my own. I browsed around B&Q looking for something bendable and found these in the plumbing section.The 4 of them cost around 12e, just bent over in the soil and covered with netting which I already had.More lettuce plants in between them. Our cauliflower last year did not do well it just grew into little golf ball size heads and then sprouted out like broccoli!Kathryn has found out since they do not like to be stressed!
The runner beans which Kathryn put out on Thurs and there are a few more to go out when they have hardened off enough.
All of the first and second early spuds are now up!


Anonymous said…
saw your blog on the surfs up article on last nights echo very good!im waiting to see you pop up now on corrigans farm!the allotment looks great as usual!
Peggy said…
I had forgotten about it and was browsing through the Echo last night and stated reading it before i realised she had my blog on it and eight square metres as well!

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