Potting on

I have not been blogging for a few days, so much to do! The tomato plants in the mini greenhouse were almost screaming for attention to be repotted as they were up to the roof of it.
I repotted most of them and also the dill which is growing strongly.They were repotted into larger pots with John Innes soil based compost mixed with some fish,blood and bone. I had to remove one shelf as they were up to that which leaves me seriously short of space.
The ousted plants around the patio table,Sweetcorn,cauliflower,red cabbage, brussel Sprouts,spring onions and marigolds, can you imagine the tete a tete?! These do not need the protection of the mini greenhouse any longer and they will be out on the plot in a few days.
Our communal greenhouse had only one old table and we needed some new shelving, a very good blogging friend and gardener relocated some and delivered it to the plot on Monday morning.This is the before view of the greenhouse.
All dickyed up with the new shelving in place, thanks Liam not only a good gardener but a great recycler as well!
On Monday I dug over another new bed as we will need it soon, the ground is nice and soft with all the rain so I got quite a bit done.The first and second earlies are up over ground and hopefully the danger of frost is past but I know the first week in May is usually our last frost date.
This evening I will have time to go around my favourtie blogs to see what everyone has been up to recently.


Latane Barton said…
I can almost taste your harvest and those plants aren't in the ground yet. But, they are looking fantastic and you have put such hard work into their growth. Have a happy day today and always.
Unknown said…
Man! It all looks great. Love the little table with the four chairs and what a differece in the greenhouse!! Wonderful stuff!!
You have been a busy girl. All your plants are so lovely and healthy looking.
Barbarapc said…
It's all looking wonderful! Quite interested to learn that you've been transplanting dill - something that never works all that well for us - must give it a try again. Barbara
Unknown said…
Your tomato plants look fabulous Peggy, actually all your plants look fantastic and put mine to shame! Oh, I'd love a real greenhouse.....what a treat that must be.
Can appreciate well, the problem with time, there just never seems to be enough to go round. Greenhouse lookin very smart as do all area's.

talk to u soon
Anonymous said…
your back garden looks great, the table and chairs look like they are hosting a plant party!and what blatant advertising for coca cola!!
the greenhouse looks great with the new and improved shelving.
The Mulch said…
My little greenhouse is positively splitting at the sides with all manner of plants.

Your specimins look fantastic Peggy. Well done!
Ann said…
Everything is coming on beautifully Peggy, looking forward to following your progress. Thanks for the suggestion of the name of my daisy, I'll look it up.

Your bag will be on it's way on Monday.

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