Hydro Allotments 1

The forecast for yesterday was not great with rain moving in over the country but I was sitting here reading some blogs when I realised the sun was shining so I took myself out to the allotment.I promised an update on the Hydro farm so here it is but in 2 posts as I cannot upload more than 5 pics at a time.I went out around 10.00am and stayed until 2.00pm and the rain arrived about 2.30 and it has been more or less raining since! When I arrived out the only other person was Rhoda tending her very neat plot, she was in the process of making mini cloches from plastic drinks bottles for the seedlings.
Another pic of the enterprising allotment ingenuity! Mike's plot with recycled clothes horses set up for peas and beans!
The first lot of 5 new plots which were opened early in the year. They are all looking very neat and have been divided into beds and paths with lots growing.
The second lot of new plots just opened a couple of weeks ago.They were all snapped up immediately and the plot holders have been working hard on them. I know they have in their potatoes and some brassicas already!
Another lot of new plots in the making, due to continued demand Zwena decided to open some more so as not to disappoint people who are really keen to start growing their own this year, I think there are 9 new plots here and only 5 are up for grabs as of yesterday!The interest in growing is phenomenal this year, the recession may have something to do with it but I also notice a lot of young families around so it is also a novel way of getting fresh air and exercise and spending fun family time together.The tea room is getting a big make over also with more tables and a fridge has been added to the micro wave and electric kettle maybe because we are spending more and more time out there! Zwena is planning on having a spectacular Open Day this year following on from the success of last years hugely successful one.


Unknown said…
It all looks very neat.
Latane Barton said…
Peggy, I can see how much joy you get from growing plants. You have a real 'green thumb' for sure. I don't understand about what an allotment is. Can you explain to this dummie?

You are so kind to visit my Journey Through Alzheimers blog. Your support means so much to me. I feel your friendship (hey, you were one of the first bloggers to visit my Bartons in Wakefield blog so we've been together almost a year now. Sorry the journey is so depressing now. But, it will get better I promise.
Morning Peggy,

Lashing rain here this morning so decided to pay u a visit and as usual time well spent, a great read. The Hydro is lookin well and indeed u as ever are way ahead of the game. Will drop those thingy's off on monday to the hydro, don't worry if u'r not there, will let some know there know they are for u.
Cheese said…
Hi Peggy,

Just wanted to say am really enjoying the photos! For those of us without a space for in-the-ground gardening, it's great to see how the other half lives.

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