Pickle Day!

Our pickle day was a great success, thanks mainly to Chris and Maeve who did most of the pickling and brought lots of goodies! Zwena also produced some delicious calorie laden cakes as usual but nobody complained about the calories! Chris had brought some lovely potato and leek soup with savoury cheese scones, there was apple and treacle tart , festive queen cakes and a deadly but delicious chocolate gateaux.There were dips of various chutnies and jams also.Not a feast for the faint hearted! All served in Zwena's farmhouse kitchen as it was too cold and wet to venture outside.

Some of the jams and pickles laid out, Plum & Star Anise jam,onion marmalade,Rhubarb& Ginger jam,Apple& lemon curd,Plum jam,Basil mayonnaise to name a few!

Chris and Maeve are still harvesting radishes and white turnips and salad leaves.
A close up of the lovely finish Chris had given to the jars. We all save our jars so they have various produce lids on them, Chris bought some hessian fabric and raffia in a craft shop and covered them and then made the labels also, a lovely idea if anyone was selling their produce at a farmer's market . Liam had brought lots of recipes printed out for us by his daughter who is a chef.Another day has been planned for December when everything will be winding down and more allotmenteers will be able to attend.


Latane Barton said…
Loved your day with all the goodies. What a treat to be able to taste everything.
Peggy, it looks like you had a fantastic day & what a mouthwatering array of produce ! I think this is a great idea ....
Anonymous said…
Hi Peggy,
Pickle day looks like fun!
I love the fabric top and labels.
The meal sounds wonderful.

I was glad you saw about the rock bridge. I had it planned to show the older photos when you had asked about it. I appreciate your visits.
Have a great day.
Jo said…
Peggy, pickle day looks yummy- not to mention the lovely array of food on the table. I love the lables and hessian tops on the jars. So earthy and appealing. Lovely post. Hugs Jo
Peggy said…
Hi everyone, thanks for visiting and leaving comments.It was a great day as we may not see each other a lot during the year,we go out to the allotments different times so it was good to sit and natter and of course the food was a definite plus!
Best wishes
What fun! The goodies look delicious! It sounds like you all had a great time. Love the plates on the wall in their arrangement (I love plates!) I am way behind in looking at everyone's blogs and am trying to get caught up!

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