Still Cropping

The produce is slowing a little as we head in to Autumn.The end of the carrots from the barrels, these are from the first barrel which stayed small as they dried out first from lack of water and then this particular barrel got waterlogged! They have a growth of fine white 'strings' on them but when this is scrubbed off they taste fine. 4 Tomatoes, about 260 grms of broccoli (calabrese), these are the side shoots after giving the plants a liquid feed after the main head was cut. Lots of beetroot as I pulled some to give the brussels sprouts room to grow.Anyone with ideas on how to pickle beetroot please tell us!

The one cauliflower grew in to this strange shape? There are 2 more tiny golfball heads coming on, I just cut the top off of this one and added it to the compost heap.

The brussels sprouts are forming well, this is the biggest of 5 plants. Again we planted them too close together, I have never actually seen brussels sprouts growing on the plant until now!

These are the rows of parsnips and beetroot after being weeded. I also thinned out the beetroot and I do not do 'before' photos! I cleaned up around the sprouts and removed all the yellowing leaves and also any that were too near the ground, why provide a spring board for the slugs and snails.One plant had about 10 caterpillers and small snails which I picked off and blasted the leaves with the hose.
At the end of the row you can see the Brussels sprouts in their new high rise netting, as they were too confined in the previous one. I had to pull one or two of the parsnips from beside the sprouts and they are about 14 ins long but finger thick!


Latane Barton said…
You are growing such interesting vegetables. Back here we grow green beans, yellow squash and okra. Dull, dull, dull
Unknown said…
I've never seen the brussel sprouts on the plant before either, that's cool how they come out the side. Tasty too.
Anonymous said…
Hi mom!
Isnt it amazing how ignorant we all were about how Brussel Sprouts grow!? Its not something I've put alot of thought into, but I guess I just kinda presumed they grew in the ground like potatoes. They look cool, like little absailing sprouts hanging on for dear life to the sides of the stalk! It'd be interesting to see if I can eat those ones without having to boil them with carrots for flavour
like I do with store bought ones....
Aisling XXX
Peggy said…
Hi, Thanks for your comments.Latane and Darla, we have a short growing season here but sprouts are a winter vegetable and hopefully we will be eating them for Christmas!We think our vegetables are boring too!Aisling, I am sure they will taste as good and as different as the ones we have tried so far1
Your garden continues to amaze! I had never seen brussel sprouts on the plant either. Maybe I will tackle some next year. Want to try some beets or parsnips and I've grown broccoli before but may do more. I love growing squash and cucumbers and bell peppers and tomatoes. Last year I tried my hand at beans, but something started eating the leaves and I never got more than a handful of the beans I grew, but I had the most adorable teepee of wooden stakes for them to grow on and wish they had done better.

Thanks for your comments on my blog pictures! Check out my response on that post when you get a chance. Mom said to send you this pickled beet recipe:

24 small beets (2 to 2 and 1/2") or 40 baby beets (1 to 1 and 1/2")
3 medium onions
2 cups of 5% acid strength cider vinegar
1 and 1/4 cups sugar
2 tablespoons of canning/pickling salt
1 cup of water
6 whole cloves
1 stick cinnamon

Remove beet tops leaving 1" stems and the roots. Wash beets well. Place in a 6 quart kettle, cover with boiling water. Cook, covered, until beets are tender when pricked with a fork. Drain. Cool beets, remove skins, roots and stems. Cut small beets crosswise in 1/4" slices or leave baby beets whole. Peel and slice onions crosswise in 1/4" slices, keeping each slice intact. Combine vinegar, sugar, salt 1 cup of water, and spices (tied in a cheesecloth bag) in a 4 quart kettle. Bring to a boil, add beets and onions, simmer 5 minutes. Remove spice bag. Ladle beets and onions into 4 hot pint jars, cover with liquid, filling to within 1/4" of jar top. Wipe jar rim. Adjust lids. Process jars in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes. (Start to count processing time when water in canner returns to boiling). Remove jars and allow them to seal as they cool. Makes 4 pints.

Also, I noticed that anonymous said she finds the brussel sprouts strong, as do many people. I found the most awesome recipe years ago for brussel sprouts and baby carrots! You steam them just barely, and then place them in a hot skillet with melted butter and brown sugar and stir them around a minute or two. Then eat and enjoy!

Take care! I enjoy your posts so much! And I am so happy when you visit my blog as well (and so is Mom!--she has a second one; have you seen Moments of Joy?) Have a great day!

Anonymous said…
Hi Peggy.
The garden is looking wonderful.
I grew brussel sprouts for the first time last spring. The taste was so much better than the frozen bought brussel sprouts.
I also see tile lady Mother's pickled beet recipe. I am going to copy it down because I want to try growing beets next spring.
Have a great day!
Peggy said…
Hi to all and thanks for the comments. It could be brussels sprouts will be the new super food!Tile Lady thanks for copying the Beet recipe down and your Mom for sharing it.I have been on the memory blog and told her she should write a book of her reminisences!
Hi Pam, pickled beets all round next year! I must say your whole canning operation a few weeks ago was something else!It gave me the idea we should be preserving some of our veg instead of trying to use it all up together or giving it away!
Best wishes to all.

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