Autumn Sunshine

Slim pickings from the allotment yesterday, the broccoli is still producing some small side shoots. The strange looking white floret is a cauliflower! Of the six plants , two have produced these strange shapes but they taste OK. 3 tomatoes and there are still lots more but they are slow to redden. I picked some of the peas too, not very big but I used them whole as mange tout. Everything was used in a lovely vegetable risotto!

The cucumber plants have taken on a new lease of life in the greenhouse,While the leaves on the end of the plants have turned yellow, the tops have put on a new spurt and there are about 3 or 4 on each of the three plants.The peppers are in the background but the sun has burned some of them, I turned them so that their leaves will hopefully protect them.

A closer up of the cucumbers

Our pumpkin has finally started turning yellow! We were beginning to wonder if it actually was a pumpkin. It is only now that it is getting some sunshine to ripen I suppose.

An update on the monster lurking on the compost ( horse Manure) heap! It is huge and the second one is nearly as big. There are lots of smaller ones too.


Anonymous said…
It is nice to still be having vegetables this time of year. I still have tomatoes. I just planted new broccoli plants for fall.
Your vegetable risotto sounds good.
The cucumbers do look revived.
Have a good weekend.
Latane Barton said…
You have won an award. Please stop by my blog and pick it up. Love your blog.
Wonderful cucumber! And your pumpkin turning orange is just great. I know it helps having the greenhouse, too, to make your yield last somewhat longer.

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