While browsing through 'The Allotment Keeper's Handbook' I found that our blueberries were really acid loving plants. We had been blaming the birds for our lack of fruit! While on the website I found a thread about Blueberries and posted a query. I got a wealth of information and sites to link to about blueberries. Too long to post here, so if anyone has problems or wants to grow them I would advise logging on to the site.I also poached the photo as our blueberries never looked like this! In Ireland 'Hurts' were picked on mountains in the past.These were small blue berries, but Pine trees have been planted for the last number of years and a lot of our native trees and undergrowth have disappeared under this dark green blanket.I suppose it was a way to make unproductive mountain land to pay but I think people are only now realising the damage this forestation has caused to our native plants and wildlife. Blueberries are a relative of our long forgotten Hurts!
Hi Latane, not ours I am afraid but just what we might hpoe for in the future!
Thank you both for your comments