Photo Gallery

I am really going in to overdrive posting today! This is an important extra. My daughter Linda has started a photo blog after a lot of persuasion. She has been taking photos for ages and leaving them in the computer so now we will all get to see them.

There is a link at the side to go to the blog site, To whet the appetite I am uploading one of them ( yes that sunny photo was taken in Ireland LAST year) which I have on my computer and has one on the homepage too.


Congrats to you daughter!
fiftyodd said…
Hey, this photo could have been taken on the Med last week. We've just got back to rainy London from a brillian cruise. We met lots of Irish people and 7 were at our table for dinner. What lovely people you are! It is said you have had a terrible wet summer this year? Oh, my blog should be viewable again now.
Anonymous said…
The photo looks wonderful. I can't wait to see some more of your daughter Linda's photos. I am glad you talk her into sharing them.

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