Bits and Bobs 1

It is hard to see the broccoli here but we have some good size heads, and they taste devine! We thought they were brussels sprouts ( see master plan at end of page) until the florets appeared, but who is complaining?!
The strawberry runners being pegged into pots for growing on. Our strawberry plants were growing around the plot when we took it over, We moved them in to this bed, but have since discovered they have an optimum life span of 3 years. We will start a completely new bed next year and then we will know exactly how old the plants are. I just put the new plant into the compost in the pot, leaving it still attached to the parent plant. I placed a stone on the plant to hold it in position while it takes root.
The new strawberry plants are growing in the pots and will be left in them over the winter ( I think). Once they were growing strongly I cut them from the parent plant.

The Leeks have now been transplanted into a permanent bed as per advice on Dave's allotment blog. I made holes with a spade handle and watered them in. The first few were a bit fiddly and disappeared down the holes! Then I dropped them into the hole and held on to the plant at the correct height and filled the hole with water. About half of the leek is in the hole to help them blanch and the hole is not filled in to give the leek room to grow.
Our pumpkin, this photo was taken a few days ago,I just did not have time to upload them.It is now a decent sized tennis ball size!

The white turnips planted on 16th June, on the advice of Donal Kelleher at our open day. I scraped away some of the earth and there are turnips under there alright, golf ball size at the moment.

The largest of the pepper plants in the greenhouse. I have pinched off some of the flowers, to give the plant a chance to grow the ones already on it. For some reason we have about 8 plants ( are we that fond of peppers?)and gave some away as well!


Peggy, looks like you've been very busy lately ! Mmmmm .... broccoli, strawberries & leeks are 3 of my favourites :)
Ian said…
Hi Peggy,

Sorry to be a bit off topic here but....Hey there,

I run a blog (completely and entirely non-commercial) called

At Farm Blogs I am trying to gather in one place the very best of global blogging about farms and farming.

You can find a blog roll, sorted by country (and a General Interest section.

My posts are made up of the blog recommendations from farm bloggers and I also post regular stories about world farming.

All blogs have been recommended to me by other bloggers or identified by me during my occassional browsing.

You were recommended to me by Lynda Hayes at Food, Fun & Farm Life In East Africa ( ) and you can find the posting about them and you at

(If you'd just like to see recommendations please use the label 'Recommendations'.)

I have a pretty broad definition of farming - if you're producing food, you're a farmer, to my mind at least.

So blogs range from ranches to part-time smallholders, and resources for them.

Once recommended, I add them to the blogroll and then contact the bloggers asking them to send me a few words about their farm/small-holding and their blog and, critically, to recommend their favourite farm/farming blogs.

And so it goes and grows.

So, I've added you to my blog roll and I would very much appreciate it if you could:

a) write to me with a brief description of your blog

b) write to me with your favourite farming/rural blogs recommendations, like Lynda did about you

c) add a link, if that's possible, to

d) please feel free to send me the odd photo, both now and on and ongoing basis. The blog tries to pick up different seasonal activities in different parts of the world at different times, so any photos would be much appreciated - they also help drive traffic to your site.

Very much hoping to hear from you,

With kind regards,

Anonymous said…
Hello Peggy,

Thank you for the warm welcome you gave the visitors on Sunday, and especially for your patience with my junior gardeners!

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