Nearly There
This will be a short(ish)post as I have lots to do but if I don't post tonight it will be Tuesday before I am back on the computer.I went out to the plot twice today so Kathryn is on watering duties for the weekend as the weather is supposed to pick up and I am off to Robert's Cove for a break.The new plot is nearly in shape, only 2 beds to plant up and they are earmarked for leeks and calabrese and maybe a few winter cabbages.I collected 2 bags of compost from our municipal composter which I only found out about recently even though it is very near me!All green waste can be taken there and the finished compost is free to take away. it is fairly strong stuff and they recommend it to be dug into the soil rather than used for mulch. I dug it onto the celery bed and planted the self blanching celery into it. The herb bed has been finished for a few days but owing to the camera problems I have not posted it before. To the right is the new rhubarb bed, lots of horse manure and I too...