Miscellaneous Meanderings

It is too cold to spend any length of time outside and I am still feeling the after effects of the flu which by the way is supposed to have come our way from Brisbane, Australia!
Speaking of down under I visited Stewart's blog today ( see side bar link to My veggie patch)He has a number of comments some children answered when they were asked " what does love mean" , it makes some hilarious reading and this is my favourite
"When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love" Rebecca, age 8.
So if your day needs a smile pay Stewart a visit to read the other equally funny but very thoughtful comments.
Reading up on Scarecrows blog last year she had been saving plastic containers for seed sowing and had a gadget to make drainage holes in them.I have stockpiled over the winter and mentioned to Ed I needed something to make holes with and he arrived with this gadget( first photo)It is a small hand held gas flame and makes holes in plastic a simple operation without splitting the plastic. I should explain Ed is a bit of a gadget freak and can spend hours in places just browsing.Some of my stockpile of plastic containers, now with drainage holes ready for sowing ( 2nd photo)
Daughter K. taught the girls to knit before Christmas and they actually like it. This is Sinead with a circular scarf she made very quickly on the knitting machine which Santa brought her for Christmas!
The two girls engrossed with their knitting ,Sinead with the knitting machine and Aoife following the traditional method.
This is one of my bird feeders which I am refilling almost on a daily basis, I was wondering why the birds were ignoring the other ones until I realised the vent for the gas heating is behind this one and a steady stream of warm air is blowing out!


Unknown said…
Well that made for interesting reading. Love the gas gadget, how sweet to see the girls knitting and we are filling our birdfeeders more than usual too.
Peggy, lovely to have a collection of photo's of snippets of your life to share with your readers :) Looking forward to follow-up posts about your plastic containers & how you use them, looks very interesting ! (P.S. Sending some of our warm African weather your way so that you don't get too cold .....)
Hi Peggy, Thanks for the link and comments, they are really sweet and I just had to but them on my blog.
Sorry to hear Brisbane was responsible for your flu but good to hear your getting better.
Anonymous said…
Knitting can be addictive. Once you start, it's hard to put it down. And, the glory of completing one. Wow ..

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