Auspicious Root day

Yesterday was a root day by the Biodynamic Calender as Heavenly Healer advised, it dawned bright and sunny though cold.We get these mild days which lull us into a false sense of Spring but it was bucketing rain by 2 pm! I took myself out to the allotment which was deserted but plots have been dug and tidied so other hardy souls have been visiting also.
I had to replace the onion sets which had either failed or been dug up, there were quite a lot, I reckon I replaced about 30 sets.The photo is of the garlic which is growing and is a welcome sight of new green on the plot

Buds have formed on the blackcurrant bush already ( photo)and also on the 3 blueberry bushes but their photo was a bit blurred so I didn't upload it.

The polythene cover had either blown partially off the potato bed or been shifted by small animals trying to get at the decomposing fruit and veg underneath. I brought out more compostables from home and more cardboard to completely cover the area, I also wet it and recovered the whole area using the biggest rocks I could find to anchor down the polythene.
I was reading Nick Hamilton's book,Organic Gardening Techniques ( available on Amazon)and he says the seed potatoes can be sown through the polythene sheet and it keeps the light off the pops and it seems they do not have to earthed up. Anyone any ideas on that?
On the subject of potatoes I have enquired about first and second early seeds but they are not available yet. I was on the Simple frugal green blog and there is a post on setting potatoes, even though this is set down under a lot of it is relevant to us. One thing I found interesting was a comment advising against setting potatoes in rubber tyres which I see a lot on gardening mags, the amount of chemicals ie; cadmium and heavy metals, which can leach from the rubber into the compost.
PS Spring weather forecast for Ireland tomorrow Saturday:
Southerly gales of 60 to 80 miles an hour with gusts of up to 120 to 140 miles an hour.
Rainfall 23 to 30 mls of rainfall
Local flooding
All this is forecast between 9.00am and midnight


Unknown said…
Great post! Glad you posted about not planting in tires and why. I have a friend that is going to do it and she has tried to talk me into it. For some reason it just didn't sound right to me, now I know why!
Latane Barton said…
Mercy me... hold on to something steady if you go out... you will blow away.
Hi peggy, good looking garlic, Re potato's, I've tried all sorts of things with potato's and I still come back to the tried and true, bung em in the soil and hill them as they grow.
Peggy said…
Darla, if you tell your friend to follow the link I have added she can read about it herself.

Latane, I don't intend going out!

Stewart, Thanks for that it is the only way I have ever seen them done, anyway I have been thinking the worms may think my new seed pops were just more compost if they are still under the poly!

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