Spotty Sprouts
I thought some hideous pest had taken over, but having discovered the problem, I also discovered the answer quite by chance!On the way home I picked up a gardening paper I had never seen before called Garden News. There on the garden Question page was a query about Black spot on Brussels Sprouts!This is the answer given:This is a fungal disease known as 'Brassica dark leaf spot'It is caused by Alternaria brassicola and is associated with wet, rainy conditions and with sites sheltered from the wind.If there are lots of densely planted brassicas, the disease is likely to continue spreading.There is no fungicide available to private growers but increasing the spacing between plants will help to prevent the problem.Soft over fed crops are more susceptible than ones grown a little harder.Avoid using too much high nitrogen fertiliser and watering plants from overhead as the spores get washed down in the water splashes.A lot of disease problems relate to the cold wet summer and hopefully will be less prevalent next is also very important to clear away all brassica debris.Our sprouts are very close together. ( a major fault on our part this year, the plants never look as if they will ever need 5 ft between each plant),and the cold wet summer was a factor here also.I have to say when I cooked them they were delicious, and cooked in half the time. I am still amazed at the difference in taste in homegrown and shop bought.Picking and eating as soon as possible is the key I think.