Forgotten Flowers?!
Have you intended to plant them as soon as you get home ,if not, definitely tomorrow?
Have you ever discovered said bulbs in various stages of distress in a cupboard/shed/under the stairs, weeks/months later?
Then read on, I bought daffodil bulbs back in October, brought them home and put them into the shed intending to plant them soon (the road to hell is paved with good intentions)!
I remember reading a blog around January saying daffodils could still be planted if anyone had been guilty of any or all of the above, I had just discovered my forgotten flowers in the shed.January was cold and the ground was icy and too hard to dig in any case and the flowers were forgotten yet again.
Photos are not in rotation, top pic is the daffs as of now in full bloom when all of the others are gone over and even dead headed!
My daffs languished in the shed until I happened to be looking for something and spotted pale green shoots peeping out of some netting.I investigated and there they were, most of them had produced shoots of 1 to 2 ins long and these were curled around one another. I prised them gently apart and thought they looked OK to plant, and this was?
18th March, yes the day AFTER St Patrick's Day!
Photo above is the daffs on 29th March, just over ground and the other daffs can be seen in the background.
Moral of this story....
Its never too late!