A Week of Reflection

I have not posted for a whole week so had to try to sit at the computer this afternoon.On Tues we got the news that my daughter's best friends husband had died, he had been battling leukaemia for some time.He had a bone marrow transplant back in January and we thought it was only a matter of time before he would be in remission but problem after problem arose which they dealt with bravely but it was not to be.The week took on a sombre note as we came to terms with the terrible news and thought of how sad a blow it was for his brave young wife and two small children, he should have celebrated his 37th birthday next week.
It puts the small things we worry about in perspective. I did spend some time on the plot and was very glad that each day I was the only one there and it was ideal to reflect and spend some quiet time alone
The weather continued dry and warm up to yesterday which was overcast and cloudy and at last today we got some much needed rain, not heavy just a gentle light rain which will hopefully soak into the dry soil.We have had one of our driest Springs in years, nothing is really growing, farmers are in trouble as grass is not growing to feed livestock and any excess fodder was shipped up to the west of the country back in Nov when they had severe flooding.
Top pic, the brassicas are still waiting to go out to the plot but are growing strongly in their pots,spring onions and marigolds have now joined them outside and are enjoying the rain.
The turnips and spinach sown directly into the ground on the plot are just appearing above ground.
I was the only one on the allotments so made the most of the opportunity to use the hose.If too many people turn on the water at the same time the users lower down the plots just get a trickle. I let the hose run between the drills of potatoes as I worked.I did not put drills over the potatoes when I planted them as each year some of the stalks grow out the sides of the drills. This year I waited until the stalks were just above ground and then put a low drill over them to protect from frost which we have had each night up to last night.
I hoed between the rows of onions as annual weeds were making their presence known.The weedy section in the centre had to be left be as there are 2 rows of carrots and one of parsnips sown there.The carrots are up or at least tiny green shoots are and as they are growing in a straight line then I presume they are the carrots.Hoeing also broke up the top soil which was cracking it was so dry even though I had watered regularly but the warm sun just baked it.When I planted the onions I had left a hoe space between the rows and it made light work of weeding as the weeds were still young.
The bright green seedlings are Calendula which had reseeded since last year, the following day, I prised them out gently and resowed them along the fence behind the onions.Calendula are a good companion plant for veg and attract bees to the plot apart from the big splash of colour they also provide.


Jo said…
Hi Peggy;) I am so sorry about the passing of that young man. So young, 37. I shall pray for the young woman and the children. Blessings my friend, Jo
Anna Bee said…
Peggy -
So sorry to hear of that untimely death. Thanks for helping me remember to appreciate all my loved ones.

Ann said…
It does put things into perspective, it's very sad.

I've been having to water my veg plot too, it's been sunny and cold but today it was lovely and warm. One of my water butts is empty and the other is just about empty too, never known it so dry at this time of year. My cabbages are doing well now that I've protected them from the wood pigeons.
PeggyR said…
I'm so sorry to hear about the death of the young man. I hope digging in your garden helps you with life.
OffalyGoodLife said…
A timely reminder to us all to enjoy what we have, when we have it.

The first rain for days fell this evening, settling the dust and hopefully encouraging some growth. You never have to pray for rain in Ireland, but sometimes you can forget this!
Peggy, I'm so sorry to hear of the passing of your daughter's best friend's husband. May you all have the strength you need during this time ...
Peggy said…
Thank you all for your kind prayers and thoughts

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