
Bats! The soulmates of Count Dracula and spawn of the devil! Shadowy, secretive creatures of the night, that flit and dive with sudden zest, swooping over frightened heads, the fluttering of their wings marking their swift passing. "They’ll get caught in your hair!" someone shouts, as squeals of fear split the night and all break into a panic- stricken run. The irony is that most of these petrified individuals are men!

Another wet and very windy day, no gardening possible so I went looking online for the above site and found a very good read! One of our new allotmenteers Ger, had told me about it a couple of weeks ago. I am not a bat lover but then I only saw my first bat about a year ago! They seem to have got very bad press and publicity and as a natural species seem to be in danger.The site features some great photos of ruined castles and houses, these are the bats preferred dwelling which had probably added to their mystique.
An excellent site, they seem to be based here in the south so have a read here, there will be a permanent link on the side bar.


I also don't like bats much ... bats and snakes .... ewwwww ! Hope you had a happy Easter with your loved ones :)
Latane Barton said…
My granddaughter is terrified of bats. If you want to see her run for her life just let a bat fly by. Oh my. I don't like them either.
PeggyR said…
We have bats around here, but later in the year. We can hear them at night. I hope you get nice weather soon!
Ann said…
Bats are interesting, I went on a 'bat walk' a few years ago and was amazed at the number of species there were in quite a small area.

Re the frame, it is a cheap frame and I made the box to fit into the back of it.

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