Row by Row....

The yard long beans lost no time in coming up and seem to grow before my eyes.I have not grown these before in fact never even heard of them!I received them in my gardening by letter project, where we sent a garden related card with some garden related bits and pieces inside.
The brassicas are hardening off, they were repotted into these larger pots again adding a handfull of lime to the compost mix.Their next step is to be transplanted into their permanent bed on the allotment in a week or two.I was very single minded and only used the strongest plants and discarded any that were undersized.I have sown seeds of summer cabbage at home , I used Derby Day which I had last year and it was a firm favourite and good performer on the plot.
Today was a beautiful warm sunny day so D.Aisling and Kevin and Scott accompanied me to the plot for the afternoon.Aisling getting stuck in with a fork, she did volunteer and I accepted! Kevin and Mom dug and cleared another bed.
Scott had barely arrived when he fell asleep!He slept for ages, I think the country fresh air knocked him out
Then Scott woke up and wanted to explore,so Mom and Kevin took him up to see the horses, here he is examining the mesh fencing around the fruit bed.
Hi Nan I'm back!
Aisling and Kevin standing proudly beside the new bed, we also edged the bed beside the greenhouse and shed with timber. The shed and patio area are now separate and there will be no taking short cuts through behind the greenhouse. It is slowly taking shape as I also dug out a new bed for the sweet corn.We will hopefully have all of the beds ready when what is growing at home is ready to go out.The song, inch by inch, row by row comes to mind!
Yesterday was a good day to plant fruiting plants according to the moon calender.I planted, courgettes, cucumber and sweet corn at home. I always intend to use the gardening calender but usually with our unpredictable weather we have to plant when we can.They should also be repotted and transplanted on a similar day on the moon calender.
The lads on the next plot spent the afternoon rabbit proofing their garden!There was lots of work in evidence and this year all of the plots are going to be cultivated as all of our new plotters are brimming not just with enthusiasm but also putting the in hard work now where it matters.


Jo said…
Peggy;) your garden looks so neat and cool (weather-wise - can you tell I'm sweltering here in North Africa - ha!) I love your grandsons. (((Hugs))) Jo
Ann said…
Thank goodness for a bit of decent weather! Looks like you are on schedule with everything Peggy. It's all looking really neat and tidy too. That was brave of you to weed out the smaller seedlings, I still can't get myself to do that.
Unknown said…
Wow - you are so far ahead with your seedlings. Up at our allotment site we have all been complaining about the late sowing this year. Thankfully the weather has finally warmed up - lovely sunny days this last week.
I am excited to hear you are following the biodynamic moon calendar. It's been great for me so I hope you have equal success with it.
Have fun!
The way little Scott rests the hand at the back of the head, is truly a matured sleep... haha. ~bangchik
Shaheen said…
Finally some good weather! Your seedlings do look mighty strong.

Little they may be, but its Good to get some extra pair of hands helping out too.
Catherine said…
Hi Peggy, lovely to see you out in the allotment and the garden will be wonderful later in the year - love the little lad asleep in the buggy. Hope you are enjoying the lovely weather - I was at the Food Festival's Farmers' Market in Lismore last Sat. and the Sotheby's preview at the Castle - blogged about it again!
All the best, Catherine.

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