First Harvest 2010!

Yesterday I went out to the plot just after lunch as the sun came out. I was the only one there for a while then others ventured out. A lot of the small plastic cold frames had blown away in the storms.Fleece and plastic covering had been blown around also, rocks were holding down the corners so they had blown off the plants but were twisted into some weird shapes by the strong winds.I finally pulled the last of the over wintering leeks, last year we staggered the sowing of leeks and have had leeks since about last Oct.I was reading Matron's blog and she had pulled some of her rhubarb,If you are reading this Matron I remembered to twist and pull from the base and only took 5 stalks from the oldest 2 plants. There are lots more coming on, on these two plants. The crowns I planted this year are growing but again following Matron's advice we won't pull any stalks from these this year, allowing them to grow and strengthen the crowns.
I took the bull by the horns and took out the hardened off plants because space is running out at home. The dwarf green beans and the mange tout are now in situ .I netted them from the rabbits and birds but I am keeping my fingers crossed we will not get a severe frost. They are in the shelter of the shed and getting any sunshine that comes their way.
I also planted out the Snowball onions at the end of the red onion bed.The red onions are growing albeit very slowly but nearly all of them now have a green tip growing.
I planted out the Spinach and winter cos lettuce in the greenhouse border. I had also taken out a bag of compost to bring the bed up to the edge of the board. The tomatoes will not be taking up this border for some weeks yet so we could have a salad harvest in the meantime
My near neighbours over the fence busy putting together a sturdy coldframe from discarded timber.Ger (the batman) and his friend Lucas have an awful lot of work done already on this overgrown bed. The other plots can be seen in the background and the amount of work everyone has done so early is amazing. Lots of healthy competition going on this year!
I potted on my tomatoes yesterday just a few of Moneymaker, Gardener's Delight and 100's and 1000's. I also potted on the Calendula and planted some Yard Long Beans, which I received in my gardening by Letter project.


You've been keeping busy as usual, Peggy - and how lovely to have your first 'harvest' of 2010 !
Ann said…
It's all coming on nicely Peggy! Looks like we are in for a bit of decent weather over the weekend so looking forward to seeing what else you do. I've got a lot of catching up to do.

Callum looks very smart in his jacket!
PeggyR said…
You have been very busy! All we have done is some cleaning up in the gardens. They are calling for much colder temperatures on Friday.
OffalyGoodLife said…
Hi Peggy, thanks for your comments and encouragement. Looking at your plot, I'd definitely say Offaly was four weeks behind Cork! The spare cabbages will probably go to the butterflies family and friends (in that order!).

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