Moon planting and Mojitos

I got a couple of slips of mint which I have potted up, I will keep them in pots as it is very invasive sending out shoots into adjoining plants and beds, which is how I got these two slips.There are 2 pots, one for at home and one for the mobile home not that I intend doing any gourmet cooking down there but mint is an essential ingredient for Mojitos to which we are all a little partial.GYO cocktails could be a whole new off shoot from GYO veg!
The power and water was turned on yesterday in the caravan park so I will spend some time there over the weekend turning out the mobile home and airing it after the winter.I thought there may have been frost damage to the pipes after the long cold winter but everything is Ok.
Some slips of sage potted up, I have it growing on the herb bed on the allotment but have often needed it at home so this pot is for here.
The sweetcorn, cucumbers and courgettes are growing and will be potted up between Sun and Tues according to the moon planting guide.They were sown by the guide and any further potting on has to be done on the relevant day for best results.I have no complaints so far.
The tomato plants are ready for their next potting on as some roots are showing through the ends of the pots, again the same as the sweetcorn etc
Peas are flying and I will sow more to keep a crop going as long as possible
The antirrhinums (snapdragons)are coming on, I lost nearly half of one tray, why I am not sure as the rest of the tray is OK but they were a bit on the dry side. I am pinching out the growing tips of one tray to see what difference if any it makes to the plants.
The yard long beans need potting up into separate pots ASAP, they need space to grow on before planting out on the plot.
Scarlett left a very informative comment on a previous post, she has been growing by the bio dynamic moon planting guide for over 3 years and has had great results.Scarlett said cauliflower are treated as a leaf plant not a flowering one for the moon guide!
I have copied the moon guide for Sun to Tues below, all of the above plants will be potted on as these are their days.A very busy couple of days in the greenhouse!
The guide comes every thurs in a newsletter from
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Sunday 02/05/2010
Waning gibbous

Moon in Sagittarius: This is a Fire sign. This is a good time to sow Fruiting plants like Aubergines (Eggplant), Broad Beans (Fava), Cucumbers, French Beans, Marrows and Courgettes, Peas, Peppers, Pumpkins, Runner Beans, Squashes, Sweetcorn, Tomatoes, but it would not be a good time to sow Leaf plants like Basil, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbages, Celeriac, Celery, Dill, Kale, Lettuce, Rhubarb, Seakale, Spinach, Swiss Chard,


Latane Barton said…
Grandson C. came to get me yesterday to tell him how much of the magnolia spouts I wanted him to cut back. And, there underneath my magnolia tree was a ton of mint. He'd planted some extra Seedlings there last year and it has taken off and spread everywhere. So, I had my good ole sweet southern iced tea last night with a sprig of mint in it.
Ann said…
You are going to be doing a lot of bending, Peggy, that's a lot of plants to get in this week!

We still haven't been to our van, it'll be the middle of May now before we go I think.
Matron said…
Good luck with your yard long beans. I tried to grow them last year but they didn't come to anything. I think they really like the warmth of a greenhouse!
The Mulch said…
I planted mint in our garden border several years back - it now grows through our lawn. Smells lovely when you cut the grass :o)
Barbarapc said…
Peggy, so summery to think about cocktails from the garden - or just cocktails you drink while you're walking around the's one from my garden to yours: The Pink Drink...a large tin of frozen pink lemonade, 11 ice cubes, 2 cups of white rum (although 1 cup is really enough), and 5 leaves of fresh mint - whir in the blender until smooth serves 4 - a slushy for grown-ups. We serve it when it's hot and it's a night when nobody has to be anywhere else. My girlfriend got me little plastic pink elephants to float in it - very classy....
PeggyR said…
You have a lot of planting to do. I'm about done with mine. Regarding the tea room, I don't think we had high tea. It is listed differently at most tea rooms and we were there at 11:30am..

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