Arte y Pico Award

I would like to say a big 'thank you ' to Lynda for giving this online award to my blog.Especially as I am new to this 'art form' and still learning the basics!
If you’d like to read more about the Arte Y Pico Award, you can do so by visiting the website here. (In a nutshell, it is an award given to creative blogs with interesting material and design who’s writers contribute to the blogging community.)
These are the rules and regulations, followed by my nominees for the next five deserving winners of the Arte Y Pico Award:
1) Pick five (5) blogs that you consider deserve this award for their creativity, design, interesting material, and also for contributing to the blogging community, no matter what language.
2) Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to his or her blog to be visited by everyone.
3) Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her or him the award itself.
4) Award-winner and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of "Arte y Pico" blog, so everyone will know the origin of this award (
I am passing this award on to the following 5 inspiring bloggers (in no particular order) -:

Pam: Georgia, USA Pam writes about her life and daily doings on the farm, where herself and husband Billy do anything that needs doing!

Richard: UK. All about growing on an allotment in England with friendly advice, great photos that show how veg and plots should look.

Fiftyoverlife: South Africa Daily blog about life in SA. great photos and stories

Catherine: Ireland & USA The first blog I actually read on a regular basis from where I scrolled into other blogs and realised bloggers are actually quite normal people! An account of backpacking in Central America , some hair raising tales and photos! This blog is currently ended but who knows? It still makes great reading!

MTP : Bath UK great advice, photos and especially recipes if what you try to grow actually makes it to the table!


Hi Peggy

I just got your message now, looks like you've got it sorted but if not here is my reply - hope it can be of some help ..
Hi Peggy

Don’t worry, it’s easy – you can just go to this link to see the translated version of that blog -:

To copy the picture of the award, simply right click (once) the one on my blog and click "save as" then save it somewhere on your computer & copy it to your blog as you would a normal photograph.

If you need any more help, you're welcome to email me - my address is on the "Contact Me" link on the left of my blog & I will be only too happy to help you !

Bye for now
Anonymous said…
Thank-you so much, Peggy. I appreciate your award.
I am still taking time off from blogging a while, (I am just re-running some older posts right now) but I hope to get back to blogging before long.
You are really doing a wonderful job on your site and I enjoy visiting it.
Thanks again,
fiftyodd said…
Thanks for the nomination, Peggy! That was a nice surprise. I'll definitely nominate 5 blogs as well - as good blogs are often hard to find! I'd like to share my favourites! e.g. I've just found one which has been going since 2003! Congrats to that blogger!

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