Strawberries & Pets on the Farm
Photo op for the new pet cage which Zwena has put out in the field next to the plots. The lambs and ducklings are in there now and the hens have a big new area near the tea rooms to make it easier for everyone to see all of the animals,needless to say there are usually lots of volunteers to feed the lambs!
Mange Tout woz here!
We had weeks of dry weather and I removed the cloches last week and watered each plant individually through the opening in the weed membrane, needless to say it started raining that day and has continued almost every day since!
I was amazed at the amount of fruit which had set on the plants and it looks like we are in for a bumper harvest.
I used the slug blocker around the bed,netting to keep the birds off and we can just keep our fingers crossed now that the predators leave enough for us.
The raised bed is too high for the usual cloche hoops, I used my trusty flexible plumbing pipes.I broke some bamboo canes and hammered them into the ground, the pipes then fitted down over them to make quite large hoops for the netting.
Calabrese plants have been moved out to their bed complete with cabbage collars, I did not have the collars the day I put them out and got them the next day. I hope the cabbage root fly did not strike in the meantime!
Only leeks and sweet peppers left on bedroom windowsill now, 6 different varieties of tomatos all potted on and moved down to the plastic greenhouse which I am keeping my fingers crossed will stay standing in these gale force winds!
3 hens are laying daily now and are the source of endless amusement!
My mangetout in the low bed are like yours...chewed to pieces! So depressing!
Your lambs and ducklings are soooo adorable.
Wretched slugs and snails! Do you have any plants kept back to fill the gap?
Will have to check back to see your lambs. The photos wouldn't load on my visit just now.
Why I garden,same wind down here ,it lets up for a few hours and we think it is gone but it comes back stronger than ever!I am keeping my fingers crossed for my plastic greenhouse!
PeggyR, thanks Peggy I hope they live up to their promise!
Willow, the weather all over the world seems to have gone mad!
Marie,how are you, the header is of my tub in the yard at home, Sinetti again this year, I love the colour!
Dirt Princess,I am keeping my fingers crossed for my plastic greenhouse as this wind continues to blow!
Linda, we put the membrane on last year so it has lasted since then, I built up a raised bed and tucked it in all around.It keeps the weeds down and the fruit clean, the slugs can still climb up though!
I have to sow more plants as I put in all I had!
Matron, you will have to visit again to fully appreciate all the changes!