Runner bean soup and Dog Blog

Our runner beans are coming to the end and as there are 16 bags of frozen runner beans in the freezer the ones I picked yesterday were turned into soup.I found this site on my site surfing everything-runnerbeanwith all sorts of interesting recipes for the runner bean.I used the ingredients stated and also added potatoes and some leek, all from the plot.I made a big pot of it last night and reheated it today just adding some milk and freshly cut parsley.

Runner Bean Soup

500grms runner beans
1 large onion
1 large carrot
700mls vegetable stock
2tbsp Butter
salt & pepper to taste.
Top & tail the runner beans,removing stringy sides
Chop into slices with the onion and carrot
Heat butter in pan and add vegetables.Cook until soft and the carrot is translucent not browned
Add stock,cover and simmer for about 30 minutes
I used a hand blender to puree but left it quite chunky with bits of veg.

Matron over on down at the allotment blog has posted her Dog Blog featuring some of our four legged friends and my own dog HRH Cavalier King Charles Sam got a spot in it.Do pay a visit and meet some quirky and clever canines. It is a terrific idea and Thank you Matron for taking the time to put it together.
This is Sam investigating the bag of veg which came in from the allotment yesterday, hoping something might smell good enough to eat.Sam will soon be 13 years old and is deaf and slowing down a little.Read how Sam came to live with me here

Disappointed with the contents of the bag I am sure he is wondering why I never bring home one of these rabbits I am always complaining about! Sam is camera shy and usually just as I press the camera shutter he turns his head.I thought it was just Sam but on reading Matron's blog a lot of the dogs seem to be camera shy!


well Sam looked very poised in the photo in matrons blog not a bit camera shy!
Ann said…
Glad you got the computer problem sorted out. I was away and using my mobile broadband dongle, it wouldn't let me get to any blogspots so I missed you latested posts. Your runner bean soup looks a lot more appetising than mine did, green soup can be a bit off-putting!
Unknown said…
Sam is just adorable. SO cuddly! He looks very handsome on Matron's Dog Blog, and is in very good company with her fine canine selection!

In response to Ann - I always like green soup. If it's very green (spinach and lentil, for example) I call it Witches Brew!
Anonymous said…
I believe Runner Beans must be what we call "snap beans" or "string beans" here in Virginia (somebody please let me know if I've got it wrong). I'd never thought of making soup with them as the main sounds delicious. As soon as I find some fresh ones I'd like to try your recipe...I like green soup too...broccoli and split pea are two of my favorites. Your Sam looks quite handsome on Matron's Dog Blog...what a sweetheart, I hope to see more of him at home and in the garden *smile*
Peggy said…
The runner bean soup was delicious, Scarlett's 'Witches Brew' might be a good way to get kids eating veg soup!
Annie, I think string beans would be what we grew this year, they are a bit fiddly to prepare as the strings have to be removed.I read on Ann's blog that she got stringless ones so that is what I will be growing next year.
Sam is very cute! We lost our dog to cancer this summer and really miss her. One of these days I'll do a post on her from puppyhood on....

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