A Little bit of Everything

I went out to the plot at 11.00am meaning to stay until lunchtime but did not leave until 4.30.Lots of cleaning up and more weeding to be done.
I cut back the old raspberry canes and took about 4 branches off of the blackcurrant bush.The end of our blackcurrants and a few raspberries plus about 10 fat blueberries were the tally from the fruit bed today.
The bag was laden coming home with 5 MORE courgettes,The first of our runner beans, white turnips,a head of broccoli,red cabbage and I dug some of our British Queens which look OK.
The bean plants have finally taken off, lots of flowers and when I had a close up peek at them lots of beans too.
A cluster of beans hiding in the foliage.
Our total onion harvest.The last ones I put in are the biggest.These were ones which I had left since earlier in the year and when we had the extra space I put them in.
Aoife's pumpkin is forging ahead of the competition!The ones I had hand pollinated are still on the vines and doing OK
Our Brussels Sprouts are almost ready to be used by the look of these.A couple of the plants are ahead of the others, I cleaned the bed and moved the fruit cage down to the sprouts as they need a higher frame now.Some slug or snail damage can be seen on a few leaves.
The snap dragons are multi coloured around the plot and the Coriander can be seen back left going to seed which is OK as we can use them.
Blight struck overnight a couple of weeks ago on the Late main crop of Golden Wonders.I sprayed and Stephen cut down the stalks for me.The British Queens and Kerr's Pinks got it this week and blackened quickly.Most of the spuds on the plots have blight by now and everyone was busy cutting back stalks today.
The potato bed after scalping the stalks!I left about a foot of stalk showing to mark where they are.The fruit cage in situ on the Brussels sprouts now and I moved the frames from the cauliflower to the Broccoli.There is still one cauliflower plant which I bent over the leaves on to protect the head, it does not need the netting for the next couple of days.The first row of leeks can be seen, I should have earthed them up today but did not have time so they will have to wait until during the week.
There were lots of white butterflies hovering around looking for somewhere to lay their eggs.Plotters came and went during the day and it was warm,dry and peaceful with just the occasional crowing of the rooster for company.


Unknown said…
Oh the dreaded blight. It seems none of us can escape it. The last of my potatoes are also scalped now. Let's see if I get any tomatoes....

I constantly lose time at my plot. I head up and think I'll stay an hour or two and end up spending the whole day. It's a wonderful way to lose time though!
Latane Barton said…
Such a bounty of wonderful food but what caught my eye was the snapdragons. I've tried growing those things and they never get over 4 or 5 inches high. I must be doing something wrong.
Peggy, you have a bountiful harvest and everything looks wonderful - it must be so rewarding for you to see the 'fruits' of your labour !
Awesome harvest. Some of my snapdragons appear to have some kind of blight, disease or such like. tomorrow I am gong to pull all the infected plants.

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