Mutant French Beans!
Terry Walton on his grow your own veg articles in Garden News advised starting seeds in plastic bags in the airing cupboard and keeping a close eye on them. This is what happens when you take your eye off the ball or beans in this case! I put the seeds in last week, 4 to 5 days is the max to see germination and they should then be removed and potted up. Sat or Sun were the optimum days for these poor babies but we had Kevin's Holy Communion on Sat and a family BBQ on Sunday ,I just forgot their existence yesterday and today I revealed a tangled mass of roots when I cut open the bag. I had to gently prise the roots and leggy shoots apart like untangling knitting wool they were so closely entwined. I eventually separated 19 seedlings and repotted them carefully, they are standing ? at crazy angles but will hopefully straighten up and turn green instead of the mutant shade of white they are at the moment. I put them into trays and will water from the bottom keeping fingers crossed the...