December Header and a bit of a Rant

The Dec header photo is of my gardeners, taken way back in 2003.Look how small Aoife is on the right, she was about 3 years old then and she is now ten.Back then, if and when we got any snow to stay long enough on the ground we went out to take photos!This was a very surprising white Christmas morning when we woke up to snow on the ground and the children were amazed!
Has anyone else noticed the Advent calenders becoming TV character chocolate holders?
Advent calenders were supposed to count down the days of advent until Christmas day, now they are TV character themed and there is no hint of the importance of the Christmas message or why we celebrate Christmas as anything other than a shopping spree.


OneStonedCrow said…
Haha ... lovely photo ...

as to the commercialization of Christmas ... what can I say that's not already obvious to everyone?
Jo said…
I love your header photo, Peggy. Yes, the children grow up and we grow older. LOL! Sad how commercialised Christmas is. Thanks for visiting my blog. I love having you over here in Sunny South Africa! Blessings from Jo
Ann said…
The big display in Victoria Centre in Nottingham has for years used 'non-religious' characters for the 'Winterval' celebrations. Plus, people who say Christianity is nothing to do with Christmas always seem to make a huge thing of buying gifts and having parties. There is a lot of contradiction around Christmas.
Anonymous said…
Your header is BEAUTIFUL, I absolutely love it!!! I've given up on expecting anything but the commercialization of my blog states, the ONLY reason for the CHRISTmas season is...Jesus Christ. I'm trying to make sure my g'kids understand that and the Advent Calendar I gave them this year has Jesus and his family, shepherds, wisemen, etc. from the Nativity Scene to use for counting down!
Betty said…
Your header is beautiful. My Hubby and I often talk about how much the Christmas season has become too much commercialized. We try to ignore it, but sometimes it is just too much.

Matron said…
Couldn't agree more Peggy. It just seems like one frantic, desperate shopping fest everywhere. I hate to go out into the high street this time of year - I fear I might get knocked over by panic shoppers!
Peggy said…
OneStonedCrow, thanks, the older they get the less they like me hauling out old photos!

Jo, I love visiting your blog, always a great read.

Ann, Some of our hospitals have actually stopped putting up a nativity crib in case it upsets other religions!

Theanne,Thanks, Christmas seems to end now when the shops close on Christmas Eve.The 'old fashioned' advent calenders are getting harder to find

Willow,thanks for popping in,Good to see you. It is getting very hard to ignore the shop till you drop advets etc which seem to beging earlier and earlier each year.

Matron, I know everyone is rushing around in a shopping frenzy recession or not!
Kelli said…
Hi Peggy, I'd agree as well; too much commercialism. It seems that its only at a religious service of some kind that nowadays we get any mention of the meaning of Christmas, a shame really.
Linda said…
I agree with you about the calendars. It's just another chocolate and merchandising opportunity. I refuse to buy them, and in fact my teenage children don't want them.

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