Typical Irish Summer!

It rained steadily all through Friday and Saturday, this morning dawned bright and sunny but the clouds have been gathering and even though it has not rained yet it is on the way.I did not pick the raspberries when we were out on the plot on Wed morning thinking to leave them another couple of days to fully ripen.Yesterday in the midst of the downpour I was thinking about the raspberries rotting in the rain and the slugs so took myself out,donned the rain gear and set to work gathering the fruit and putting down slug bait.The rain was like a curtain it was so heavy, this photo is of the manure heap at the top of the plots, you can get an idea of the rain from the splashes in the puddle which spread and spread in to a mini lake.
No..the men in white coats have not come for me...yet!
View to the left from the shed where I had to shelter from the worst of it, I am sorry the rain is not actually visible but the leaden grey of the sky gives some clue!
View to the right from the shed showing our new compost area, instead of trekking all the way up to the manure heap with leaves etc I constructed one of our own.Nearly half way down the potato bed and I must say we continue to be pleased with the quality and amount of potatoes we are harvesting.There is no sign of blight on this bed but on the top bed there is some but I think there are a few B.Queens there which seems to draw blight like a magnet.
Chocolate cupcakes and raspberry muffins made yesterday, just sweet memories now!

I went out to the plot this morning for a short while, the main objective being to scour the hedges for Y shaped sticks to prop up the blackcurrant branches which were on the ground yesterday from the weight of the rain and fruit.I found enough suitable ones to do the trick and we will have to start picking them tomorrow or Tuesday before the rain forecasted for mid week catches up with us.
I thinned a row of carrots which are under fleece and picked anything that could come home so dinner tonight will include a medley of allotment baby veg, dwarf french beans, broccoli,carrots,turnips,dwarf green beans and mange tout.I have blanched all of them and will just heat them later for dinner, a knob of butter and cordon bleu could not describe the taste!


Jim said…
Well Peggy I know what you mean about the rain yesterday as I had to work in it all day. I picked some lettuce this morn and noticed that the splashing of rain drops has driven soil deep into the heads, this caused my lettuce to rot last year but I live in hope that history wont repeat itself and the summer doesnt take a turn for the worse !!
Sorry I haven't been around much lately, but I have enjoyed catching up on your blog this morning - everything is looking so green, bright & Summery in your corner of the world and your photo's are all lovely. Looks like you have been keeping busy as usual :)
Matron said…
I should be careful what I wish for, we haven't had rain for months here! I suppose that is why Ireland is so green and lovely! I will bring an umbrella with me!
Peggy said…
Hi Foxylock, I must check my lettuce!!We just had a light shower last night but the clouds are still hovering down here.

Hi Lynda, I know how busy you have been and good luck with all of the plans for the future.

Matron,when holidaying in ireland you always bring the rain gear 'just in case'!Not long to go now.
Peggy, I don't know how mother nature seems to know how to upset our plans. I too have decided to leave something for a day or two later, only to find myself outside in the rain taking care of what should have been done a day or two sooner. That is the life of a gardener, we can't second guess Mother nature. I bet those cupcakes were scrumptious.

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