How Our Garden Grows

I took these photos on Monday last when we were still enjoying sunshine.This week has ended with torrential rain which is forecast to continue through next week as we are in the middle of a deep depression causing higher than normal rainfall for the first 2 weeks of July, Oh well another 'normal' Irish summer!The slugs have ideal weather conditions, humidity and rain.
These are some of the tomatoes in the greenhouse which have set fruit, rain or no rain today I have to go out to water them, it is very easy to forget about plants growing indoors when you are looking out at falling rain.
The harvest that day,spring onions, lettuce,the last of the mange tout which have now been cut down and added to our compost heap their roots were left in the ground to add nitrogen.A few dwarf broad beans which will be going the same way as the mange tout soon.Raspberries and some strawberries which were turned into muffins, I have an Italian student at the moment who will have chocolate cupcakes and muffins for her breakfast!
The sweet pea I grew from seed ,some were taken out to the plot and some grown on at home.The ones at home are multicoloured and all of the ones taken to the plot are red?!
I got some seeds of yard long beans from Canada, I thought this was as high as they grew as all of the plants seemed to have reached this level and stopped . On closer inspection the yard long beans were reaching upwards so had to be tied to stakes and I can only assume these dwarf french beans were mixed through them!
Our sweetcorn is our pride and joy at the moment so just hoping the drastic change in the weather will not have an adverse effect on it.
One blueberry bush is laden down with berries just about to ripen, the other two have berries but not quite as many.
The lower branches of the blackcurrant bush are almost on the ground with the weight of fruit on it.
About 6 apples on our 4e Lidl appletree this year!
Our first courgette which Kathryn has since harvested..
A view up plot 1 everything if you notice is netted because we are over run with rabbits this year not to mind the pigeons on daily raids!

Our garlic hanging up in the shed to dry,it had garlic rust but it had not effected the bulbs as we harvested them early.They are all hard so far,we have about 30 bulbs drying in recycled veg nets which I had been saving.There are cloves visible in all of them so they may not have been harvested too early.
As I said these photos were taken at the beginning of the week and we can only hope that things are still looking good out on the plot after all the rain, update on that soon!


Ann said…
It's all looking good Peggy, hope the rain doesn't spoil things. Send me over a chocolate cupcake and a raspberry muffin!
PeggyR said…
Yum I'll take a raspberry muffin! My husband is now in rehab!
Catherine said…
Hi Peggy - looks good, if this weather continues I'll be the one in the middle of a deep depression (!) anyway it's a bit of a pain at the weekend as I was looking forward to babysitting Sofia in Lismore but the cricket's been cancelled. Your garden produce looks great, our growbag tomatoes and courgettes are just starting to ripen up. Hope they are as good as yours!
Thanks for comment on my post, will reply over there.
All the best, Catherine.
Anonymous said…
Hi Peggy your garden is looking really good, raspberry muffins sound delicious. hope the rain ends soon so you can get back out in the garden, though it is always good to have a bit of rain during the summer months saves having to water everyday.
Peggy said…
Hi Ann, good to see you back online!

PeggyR, I have been following Norm's Progress on your blog,so glad he is improving.

Catherine, you are having the same dismal weather as we are!When you are up in Cork again we should try to meet up or if you have time you could visit the plots (weather permitting!)

Kellee, as I said on your blog NZ weather sounds a lot like ours at the moment,only this is our summer!
Anonymous said…
What variety are these LIDL apples? Do you grow many types? - From Philip,

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