Keeping the plot in Trim

The Broad beans have begun producing, this photo was taken a few days ago so they have gotten a little bigger since then, the quandary  now being when and how to pick and cook them?!
Today, 3 onion beds weeded,fed and watered with the paths in between clipped with a hand clippers. We were going to dig out the paths and cover with 'something' but regular clipping will keep them tidy.There are 2 white onion beds and one red, they seem to be in varying stages of growth even in the same bed as can be seen in the top bed in the photo!

The courgettes are really taking off, even though none have reached an edible stage yet there are lots of blossom.
The sweetcorn is about a foot high and developing nicely, it is hard to see them properly here seen through the netting to deter the very determined Cock Pheasant from getting in. The small green plants around the edge are dwarf French beans, they are planted around 2 sides of the bed.
The lean to tunnel is fulfilling its purpose as the tomatoes are growing well inside. Today I pulled all of them outside and did a job that should have been done first, laying weed suppressant fabric on the ground! The weeds were beginning to like the tunnel conditions too, another photo taken through something this time its wind breaker fabric which allows some air into the tomatoes. The cucumber plant to the back left of the photo is now surrounded in bubble wrap as it likes some humidity.
Despite quite heavy showers over the last few days the ground is very dry  and had to be watered , plants are growing but slowly.
The potatoes even though they were sprayed twice with Bordeaux mix have signs of blight on them today, I pulled off all affected leaves and will go up to the plot tomorrow morning to check, if there are more spotted leaves then it definitely is blight. The warm humid weather conditions for the past few days have been ideal for blight .


PeggyR said…
It all looks nice and neat.
Kelli said…
Shame about the blight; hope it doesn't do much damage. Things are really growing with the warmth and the rain we've been getting.
Peggy said…
PeggyR. thanks Peggy the camera can lie a little at the right angle!
Peggy said…
Kelli,so far so good, just the few leaves with spots, sprayed again so still hoping to get another week or two then we can start digging them.
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Thanks for writing such a wonderful article. God bless

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