Plot taking shape slowly

The plot is taking shape but the weather is not helping, which is everybody's complaint on this windswept isle.In view on the left side are onion beds, 1 red baron and 2 white then potato beds.Across the back fence are raspberry canes ,rhubarb and globe artichoke ,all moved from the previous plot at the Hydro Farm.
White fleece, back left side is covering one of Billy's raised beds. I sowed carrots, Pak Choi and beetroot in the bed today and covered with enviromesh, even the carrot fly may be deterred with the cold weather, but covered the bed 'just in case' !
The second raised bed is empty awaiting top soil and manure to sow courgettes which are on the bedroom windowsill as I speak hoping the weather will improve before June to put them outdoors.
There is a space left beside that bed to take the Sweetcorn which are struggling in the back garden at the moment. I had moved them outdoors at home to harden off but had to cover them today with fleece to protect them from the wind.
I intend to empty the compost bin at home and take the compost to the plot and dig it in to this bed for the sweetcorn, they will not be moving for a couple of weeks at least.
The potatoes coming through again, I have earthed them as soon as they appear to protect from frost because that danger is still very much present.There are 2 rows of Home Guard, 2 x Lady Christl and 2x  Premiere all first earlies.
The brassica bed, cabbage and  cauliflowers growing strongly.Brussel Sprouts & Calabrese only went in today.They are all formal in their cabbage collars to deter the cabbage root fly. The dark line to the right is a row of beetroot seed sown today. I didn't leave the bed unprotected, it was covered with netting before I left!
Lettuce and Spinach under the tunnel, the broad beans in the centre under netting. The Broad beans are growing OK under the netting to protect from rabbits which I'm told are here also! Its hard to see but there is a row of Spring onions to the right and Peas which are also struggling in the cold and wind.
The Spring onions were sown 5/6 seeds to a module and transplanted into their  growing position  like that. They grow and can be pulled in bunches!
The peas are in a row and the Sugar snap peas are on a wigwam shape of pea sticks, they are growing but slowly.
You might well wonder what this is?! It is turning out to be a major problem for us !It is mint growing wild on a disused plot next to us and is growing up through our onions and paths.It is growing vigorously in all directions and if anyone walks on it you can smell mint wafting around., maybe a Mojito party might help?!
Some of our near neighbours checking us out!
We are experiencing an extremely cold Spring/early summer which is affecting not only our plot, which in the greater scheme of things is nothing ,our farmers are in serious trouble for feed for animals which are starving in some parts of the country where grass is not growing and the land is too wet for the animals to go onto. Fodder is being brought in from France and being distributed to the worst affected areas.


Scarecrow said…
Hi Peggy
You have made a great start on the new plot. I hope your weather improves soon so all those vegetables can grow.
I think Winter has just arrived over here in Oz I'm not sure what happened to our Autumn!!

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