Beans, Blossoms & Coffee
What I would call normal coloured blossoms, white with a purple centre
Pale pink, maybe a cross between the others ?! The Bees as I say are loving them and their humming as they go about their business is a back drop to any time spent there lately.
S. Bill has found a very good excuse for regular coffee breaks! These snazzy bags of used coffee grounds are free from Java Republic, complete with instructions and advice (click on photo to enlarge).One of our plotters also has access to unlimited coffee grounds and said we can have as much as we want so slugs take note!
The new Blog header is GS Callum taking home our first harvest from the new plot ! We also had some Spinach to cut, all of these are still under the mesh cloche as the weather continues to be wet and cold most days.
I think most coffee houses/cafes would be delighted to offload their spent coffee grounds?!