Plot Catch Up

Work has been ongoing on the plot with Kathryn & Gemma weeding and going up each evening to water the tomato plants in the greenhouse.
Harvest while not huge is getting more colourful!
Yesterday I brought home a garlic bulb, garlic rust is still appearing but I am religiously cutting infected leaves off and it continues to grow even though it looks like bamboo canes stuck into the soil with a topping of new green leaves.I have not used this yet but there is no sign of rust down the bulb.
Some mange tout and the strawberries are ripening fast, I had these in a carton of Greek yogurt. Some of the bunch sown spring onions and a handful of baby spinach leaves and chard for a salad.The last few of the radishes and for the moment I cannot find my packet of seed to grow more!
The dwarf beans took us by surprise as the flowers are still in bloom so I was not expecting to see beans as yet but they are growing up from the bottom of the plants.
I investigated the peas under the netting wondering why they were not growing but found they had grown around each other under the netting. I removed the netting and tied them up to the poles, they looked as if they had grown 2 feet in a half an hour! I made a second bird scarer with a potato and feathers, there are only 2 as the one on the right of photo is the shadow on the shed.They look quite effective as the bamboo sways in the breeze and the feathers move also.
The pea and bean bed,there is only one row of peas and the heads were picked off by birds before I netted them.I have enough for a second row at home ready to out over the weekend.There are 2 rows of yard long beans, one row is forging ahead as it is sheltered in the centre,but the other one which is on the outside is slower.
A lot of construction has been going on too with new beds and more paths covered in bark mulch.To the left of the photo is the pumpkin bed with courgettes and sunflowers.Behind that at right angles is the new asparagus bed.
We had 3 asparagus plants in a small bed which produced beautiful spears but never enough!I made the bed longer and narrower and moved 2 plants to accommodate the arrangement.It may not be the right time but its done now!
On the right is the salad bed with the garlic in the centre bed and brassicas to the end, we have only 2 of 6 cauliflower left thanks to the cabbage root fly.
The sweetcorn has taken off but 2 plants are still small due I think to the fact I ran out of windbreak for about 18 ins and these plants are there near the gap.
View across the plot,it was late evening and the shadows are moving across.The bed under the mesh has 5 rows of carrots of different varieties.

This evening at home I tackled the greenhouse.There are 9 plants in all in here of Moneymaker and Gardeners delight. They have all set a second truss and they needed moving to their final position ASAP. They have now been moved down to ground level,canes will be purchased tomorrow to stake them. I removed all of the bubble wrap from around the inside as hopefully there is no more danger of frost.It was amazing to see how much light the bubble wrap actually blocked.Everything else has been unceremoniously put outside to harden off, including 8 of the 100's and 1000's tomato plants and the dill and coriander plants.


Unknown said…
So exciting - I also had a little mini harvest yesterday (will post later) and hopefully a sign of things to come. We are so lucky to have our plots.
Ann said…
It's amazing what a bit of protection does to help the plants as you say with that bit without the mesh. You're getting some lovely stuff harvested, aren't those mange tout tender straight from the plant, the shop bought ones always seem a bit stringy in comparison. You'll soon have broad beans too, by the look of it.
Jo said…
What a lovely harvest, Peggy. Are those snap peas I can see there? Oh YUM! Thanks for sharing.

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