Bloom Veg 2010

I made 3 attempts to upload photos yesterday but Blogger was not cooperating,tried again now and uploaded without any problem.
My allotment posts are way behind now but I will rectify that tomorrow.
Ashtown is an old estate in the Phoenix park and the Bloom festival is held around it each year.Our Office of Public Works began restoring the old walled garden in the centre and even since last year there is a huge amount of work done.
This is part of the herbaceous border which divides the garden, I think this would be called the hot end of it with orange and red plantings.

All of the veg beds are laid out on each side, late potatoes here.
Fruit bushes are in the centre sections and herbs etc around the wall beds for shelter.
Carrots under mesh, even the carrot fly is no respecter of stately gardens!
Spinach and various salad crops laid out with military precision
Brassicas netted from the pesky pigeons of which there must be hundreds given the amount of trees within the park
Envy inducing Sweetcorn
Some poppies in the border
The entertainment area with stage and the Bloom craft beer tent over to the left of photo.This area was also surrounded by various food vendors and there is more than ample seating spread all around the show area.
The hanging basket avenue

New name for hen houses, Urban Arks!
That is all of Bloom for this year, I took lots more pics but this selection more than covers the variety of stands and activities.


I have so enjoyed reading back on your posts - and seeing all the photos you took - of this event. It looks amazing, and just like something I would enjoy. So glad to see that you are enjoying some warmer weather now, too !
Sharon Harvey said…
Bloom looks wonderful! Thanks for all the great pics!
Damo said…
wow what organisation, not quite the same on my veg patch!
Ann said…
I love to see the walled gardens and vegetable gardens always attract me more than the flowers. I really enjoyed looking at your pictures and hearing about this fantastic show.
Peggy said…
Hi Lynda, welcome back from the holliers,it is a great day out and the weather is an improvement on last year far!

Sharon Harvey, it was a great spectacle and glad you enjoyed my take on it.

Damo, I visited your blog and your veg patch is stunning!

Ann,I will be doing another post soon on another walled garden which is being renovated. The veg on it are amazing interplanted in flower beds and boxes.

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