Inch by Inch...row by row...

When we took over the second plot last year the area behind the greenhouse was completely overgrown with thistles and teasles and brambles.We cleared it and discovered this old cold frame lurking underneath
We filled the cold frame with compost and grew courgettes and tried a mushroom experiment which came to nothing as we found out that to grow mushrooms from seed temperatures are crucial.

This is the same area today! I went out to the plot at 12 and did not come home until nearly 6.I also had to call in reinforcements from time to time. Kathryn and David came up to break up the cold frame and take the pieces up to the compost heap.Gemma kept me company for most of the afternoon making tea and taking wheelbarrow loads up to the compost heap for me.
I recycled the back part of the cold frame, I dug a trench down inside the wire sinking the timber to hopefully stop weeds etc growing through from the pathway at the back. I kept digging down the length of the bed which is about 20 feet as it is the full width of the plot.The end of the bed was the hardest as it had not been dug ever I think. There was carpet underlay buried and roots like ropes underneath which took some tugging to get out.Couch grass roots were plentiful and back breaking to keep bending down to pull them out.I went back to the compost heap and recycled some more of the old timber to frame the bed.
This is a completely new bed and is earmarked for potatoes this year.We are down to the wire with both plots now, it has taken some time but all of the hard digging is now finished!
I was alone for most of the day ,other plotters came and went but I decided to stick with it as it was a lovely sunny afternoon with just one quick hail shower to contend with.


Ann said…
That sunshine looks lovely! It's dull here again, some parts have had floods but we haven't had any extreme weather, just depressing greyness.

You must be fit Peggy, if I did half what you did today I'd be in bed the rest of the week :>)

I made one more pincushion - got to stop now!!! Card making for me tomorrow, after I tidy up from all the sewing.
It sure is nice to have some warmer weather so we can get out and start preparing for spring planting.
It looks as though you have a good start there Peggy, and I suppose you had a few aches and pains after your days labors.
Catherine said…
Hi Peggy - it was a lovely Sunday wasn't it? Glad you had a productive day in the allotment. I didn't do anything in the garden other than admiring the crocuses and go around looking at all the bulbs and thinking not a daffodil in sight and tomorrow is St. David's Day when Welsh kids wear daffs on their lapels.We lived there over 20 years back. Everything is way late this year. I hope you saw your blog nominated on Irish Blog Awards 2010 for I think specialist category - I nominated you anyway, perhaps others did too!
Thanks for your enquiry re. mam - she is still weak but has stabilised and is eating a bit and drinking fluids so may have turned a corner.
All the best, Catherine
Jo said…
Hi Peggy;) this is a whole new world for me. Back home I also garden, but with greater ease than you do! I take my hat off to you - all for the hard and rewarding work you do. The sunshine and all the greenery around looks wonderful. (((Hugs))) Jo
Peggy said…
Hi Ann,Another beautiful sunny day today but cold to start after a frosty night. I was in bed at 10 last night and just got up at 10 this morning!

KeeWee, just a few see above!

Catherine, I did thank you, I kept meaning to put it on a post but I get bogged down reading the blogs in the categories!So many great blogs about all sorts of things.I have no daffs out yet nor seen any around.

Jo: the sunshine and greenery are what make up for the hard work, but the spade work so to speak is now finished on the allotment from now on it will be a case of maintaining the beds every year.
Linda said…
That must feel so good (if a bit back-breaking) to have the structure of your plot finished. Stopping the invasion of couch grass is a major headached, so I hope yours stays away.

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