
We have had some lovely weather for the past week and lots of work was done on the plot but each day I had forgotten to take my camera with me so while it was all unrecorded it was done which is more important. We are putting all raised beds with pathways on the 'old' plot which entailed moving piles of earth which was backbreaking but very satisfying!
My birthday is on Tuesday I am going from the nifty fifties to the scintillating sixties!When asked what I wanted I did not even have to I am getting a nice small shed for the allotment, it will be delivered on Wed morning.
Some thought went into where it should go as I don't want it taking up too much space or being in the way.The old sweetcorn bed which was very unproductive this year was deemed the best position. It was cleared and a level space marked out ,Stephen is on camera moving up spare patio slabs which they had at home, these with weed suppressant fabric underneath will be the base of the shed to keep it off the damp ground.
The fruit bed is getting a much needed extension for next year.This was the fruit bed with a pathway between it and the roots bed this year, the parsnips are still in situ so we have to work around them for the moment.Earth was moved from one side of the roots bed to the other to widen one pathway and cover up the centre pathway, over doubling the size of the fruit bed.
Another view of the two beds, the parsnips are choked with weeds in the photo but I forgot to take an 'after' photo after digging the beds and weeding around the parsnips! Micheal had given me two Autumn fruiting raspberries and a thornless blackberry and we have pots of strawberry runners so the fruit bed needed the makeover ASAP!
The garlic bed under the netting ,they are in over a week now so fingers crossed something will be showing soon.The end bed is another raised bed in progress, this was the runner bean and cauliflower beds, now one square larger bed with another pathway in between. We had the scaffolding boards already but they had to be relocated. Once I have secured them together the bed will be filled with compost ,covered and left until Spring.
There was a lot of tooing and froing with boards and compost but once everything is completed we can lay weed suppressant on the pathways and cover it probably with bark mulch it should look tidy and we will be able to get around in the winter months without being covered in muck!
Still digging potatoes, nearly finished the British Queens and then we have Kerr's Pinks and Golden Wonders to work through.There are all sorts of experiments going on with potatoes on the plots, some have been left in the ground to reseed and are up, some have tried pops in tubs to have for Christmas and they are also putting up good growth.
Sprouts and leeks are also on the menu and our two remaining celery plants are doing OK.


Ann said…
Wow - you've all been very busy, makes my back hurt just imagining it!!!

Happy Birthday for Tuesday, a shed is a fab present LOL!!! I like being in my sixties (except for the wrinkles) and I think you can get away with being a bit 'individual' (or should I say eccentric?)
Peggy said…
Thanks Ann,yes i think you can get away with a little more eccentricity its just put down to 'your age'
Your fall garden is looking great! And that new shed for your birthday will be a great addition to the allotment! You are such a gardening inspiration! I miss it a lot. By the way, love the new look of your blog!

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