28th May 2008

A Shed has appeared in the allotment beside us, the lads there have done trojan work on 3 adjacent allotments just this year alone!
This is the bed that Kevin did the preliminary work on, I put down swede turnip plants bought in a garden centre. I also set seeds of Beetroot and parsnips.I was not a lover of beetroot for years as I can remember one year when I was quite young getting fed on the stuff for what seemed like the whole summer! My late aunt Peggie in Tipperary started growing it.
To me looking back there must have been acres of it, as it was boiling on the open fire in big pots day after day. We had it hot and cold with every meal and I can remember us children checking each others teeth to see if they were red as our hands and clothes were! I developed an aversion to the look and taste of beetroot for most of my life.As I grew older I did try the beetroot sold in jars as a salad accompaniment but never liked it. So last year we grew some and picked it small and the difference ! I dont know what is in the jars but the taste is totally different.


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