Getting There
The carrot bed in the centre was remade as the boards of the previous one was nearly rotten so leaving the bed more or less intact, new boards were put in place around the sides.There seemed to be an awful lot of earth so most of that was shovelled over on top of the potato drills this morning.
I got 2 bags of sharp sand and a bag of compost from the home compost bin and dug it into the bed and removed what seemed like hundreds of stones from the bed.Carrots like light sandy soil which is loose and as stone free as possible, they are the divas of the vegetable world!
I planted 2 rows of 'Carrot Purple Haze' which has a purple hue to the skin, and 2 rows of Early Nantes from Quickcrop. I had space to plant 1 row of beetroot Pablo, the seeds are a bright green colour! they are so easy to sow and space and any that are dropped are easily seen.The whole bed is covered with Enviromesh as I found both carrots and beetroot grown under it last year grew better.
All of the potatoes are up, some more than others. There are 5 different varieties in total.I used the excess soil from the carrot bed to cover them up as frost could still be a problem if we get high pressures. Raise the soil covering the potatoes, flatten the top of the drill or even make a slight depression in it so any rain soaks down to the potatoes not running off the drill.
In the polytunnel are, sweetcorn, tomatoes, courgettes, pumpkins and I started the onions in modules until their bed is ready.
On the bedroom window at home are Sugarsnap peas and lettuce so things are moving along nicely!