Word Verification Stress!

IfBefore I start on stress, a rainbow appeared over the allotment today as we were leaving so I will take a deep breath and think beautiful thoughts!I had noticed when I tried to leave comments on some blogs over the past week or so word verification kept telling me I was putting in the wrong letters! Yesterday I spent hours visiting all of the blogs on my sidebar which had been  updated in the past month and tried to leave a comment.Any of them with word verification would not allow me, I tried each 3 times, a slow process after writing a comment.If anyone reading this and whose blog is on my sidebar has not had a comment from me then your blog will not allow me to do so.I have now removed word verification from my own blog to make things easier, I will see how much spam I get!

!This hatbox was delivered to me on Friday, I was mystified when I saw it arriving wondering had I been on Ebay in my sleep ordering frivolities! It was my beautifully wrapped order from Mr Middleton garden shop. I had ordered over wintering onions and mixed daffodils some time ago, they had obviously come into stock and been dispatched to me

The onions were put into a bed which Stephen had got ready for me on Sat and sealed under netting to keep the birds off.One side of the netting is black so does not show up in the photo.They are a Japanese onion, Senshyu. They were 3.99e per pound, I was not sure how much would be in a pound so ordered 2lbs! There are 120 onions in this bed and there are still some onions left in the first bag. I think Stephen will be preparing a second bed.Our over wintering onions last year were the best onions of the season as the later ones began to get neck rot from the continued wet weather.Monday was a Moon planting day for onions, I only use it sporadicallybut after the dismal summer I am going to take all the help I can get!

Christmas Carrots in a barrel in the greenhouse

The new strawberry bed, we got this ready some weeks back and transferred new runners for next year.They have taken root and are growing well, looking at the photo I realise I did not do one job which I had made a mental note of while out there. Some of the plants are producing runners and I want to keep these cut to allow the plants to grow strong before winter.

I thinned the swede turnips, another job long overdue, the thinnings are big enough to use.Some small heads of Broccoli they will hardly make side shoots this late in the season but we will leave them to their own devices.Tomatoes are still cropping but reddening very slowly.


OneStonedCrow said…
Hi Peggy - I also dislike word verification because I have great difficulty in interpreting the words ... I usually give up if I don't succeed in two tries

I've managed to eliminate spam from my blog by not allowing anonymous comments and by further enabling blog owner approval ...
Betty said…
I totally agree with you on the work verification. I hate them almost as I do the no reply from people who comment, but I do understand why people do it. It is a shame the bloggers have to do it because of the ones who spam.

Your garden looks great, we are now just cleaning ours up til next year. I miss the growing seasons.
Kelli said…
Looks you've some great veg growing. I like the idea of Christmas carrots. The word verification often gives me a headache too. Alot of people have problems with it. I took it off and don't seem to have problems with spam.
PeggyR said…
Great garden! I totally agree with word verification, especially in blogging because I can't read it half the time and my eyes aren't that bad. I believe I turned mine off. I love rainbows!
Martin and Amy said…
Looks like a pretty good harvest.

I've only just stumbled across your blog, but I would like to add that this verification thing is getting worse and worse and worse! There is nothing better than seeing a comment on your own blog but people are being put off by the absolute nightmare which is word verification!

Will follow you from now on, look forward to reading more.

Ann said…
I'll check my spam for your comment, yours always seems to end up there.

Our strawberries hardly fruited this year but the leaves have done great!!! Not what I wanted though.
Peggy said…
Thanks for the tip I will have to navigate my way through settings again to find blog owner approval
Peggy said…
Hi Willow I will see how I get on without W V but Blogger are supposed to be good at detecting Spam. Hopefully what we have in for winter will grow a bit better than the summer veg!
Peggy said…
We tried Christmas carrots last year but put them in too late, these have been in since early Aug so fingers crossed we could have baby carrots at least !
Peggy said…
I love rainbows and will always stop to look if I can , this one seemed to come down somewhere in Blarney but I did not have time to check for the crock of gold !
Peggy said…
Hi I visited your blog Tha ks for commenting here may e this W V was putting people off . I have seen a button on some blogs saying word verification free so I must look for one !
Peggy said…
Hi Ann I have been dropping in on your blog but again the wV gets in the way !I loved the mini quiches and intend to try them as well as your tip on using cling film for rolling out the pastry
So glad the rainbow lifted your spirits! Yes, word verification can be a PAIN! I once tried six times before getting success on someone's blog. I will only go through it if I really care about that blogger and they just have not agreed to get rid of the verification thingy. When I got rid of mine about ten months ago I realized I can use comment moderation to weed anything out that may be spam, but there is also a spam blocker on Blogger, and well I haven't had a single problem. I'm sure it will be fine.
Peggy said…
Hi Marie,I have enabled comment moderation now so hopefully I can continue without word verification!

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