Weeds & Watering

I uploaded these photos last night but the computer gremlins slowed it down so much I gave up so here goes with second attempt.The sun has finally arrived but the down side is watering has become very important as most plants are just starting off and seeds need moisture to germinate.I filled a wheelie bin with water one morning when I was on the allotments alone we can use this with the watering can at busy times.Most people are going out in the evenings to water and the flow slows down when a number people are using it at the same time.
The salad bed is filling up with the spring onions, lettuce and swiss chard. There is iceberg and butterhead lettuce, it is still covered with fleece at night and will be for another week at least.
The onion & carrot bed, I swear these weeds were only a couple of inches high on Thurs when I was last out! I had hoed the bed when the onions had put on some growth but then set carrot and parsnip seeds so we could not weed until they were up enough to be visible. The heat has speeded up the weed growth into jungle proportions.It does not look too bad now as Kathryn and myself have been working shifts weeding over the last two days, I will take an after pic when we finish.The carrots and parsnips have come up on the near end of the bed but at the end they have only germinated here and there, hard to figure why as the whole bed was treated exactly the same!When the weeding is done I will resow, the warm weather may help to germinate them quicker.
The garlic definitely has garlic rust, the leaves had been turning yellow at the tips which could have been frost damage.I have been cutting off any yellow leaves or parts of leaves and it has been growing fine but yesterday some of the rust spores are clearly visible on the leaves. I cut off the offending ones and will continue to water and will put down some chicken manure pellets, strong plants may be able to out grow the rust?!
The strawberries have formed on the plants now and they are finally netted against the birds.
There are lots of blueberries on two of the three bushes.The fruit bed was weeded and the wind break put in place along the path, now the fruit cage has to be put together as the blackcurrants and raspberries look to have a good covering of fruit as well.
The yard long beans are putting on some growth I think they took a stagger when they were put out in the cold but are coming on.The tops were taken off the peas, I can only think birds so that is why there is a loose piece of netting in the centre.The pot has the surplus sweet peas while I am deciding where to put them.Sinead's & Aoife's peas were also top damaged but Kevin's are being munched from the bottom,his at least got a chance to grow up the supports.

The broad beans are about 2 feet high and covered in blossom, I left off the netting to let the bees in to pollinate them.They can be heard buzzing around in the sunshine ,a less welcome visitor is the white cabbage butterfly which is looking for some where to lay their eggs and they are on the wing already.


Latane Barton said…
The garden is really taking off. You eating anything out of it yet? Gardening takes a lot of time!! Whew...
Peggy said…
Hi Latane, most days I have winter lettuce, spinach and an asparagus tip or two if I am lucky!Gardening is one of those things that grow to take up the time available!

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