Bloom 2010

Bloom 2010 is on from Thu 3rd June to Mon 7th June and my sister Kathleen and myself are heading off again on the Friday on a girls day out, we went last year and thoroughly enjoyed the day.We wandered around but this year Kathleen has the programme and is carefully plotting our course to get in as much as possible.
Last year we wandered into tents in the middle of discussions or as a cookery demo was finishing,what we take in this year is being planned with military precision so we miss nothing!
Bloom is a great day out just to wander and take in the atmosphere as everyone is catered for, children are free and there is lots laid on to amuse and capture their imaginations.
There are celebrity chefs doing cookery demos and Darina Allen is on the day we will be there, there will be gardeners galore doing workshops and question and answer sessions.

We basked in the sunshine and sipped champagne and strawberries, grazed our way around the artisan food tent which is a fixture at Bloom.It features over 40 producers with stalls showing baked goods (I remember the cupcakes!),smoked fish, jams, chutneys, relishes,farmhouse cheeses and handmade chocolate are available to taste and buy.
All sorts of garden ornaments like these cheeky chappies in fact anything that can be put outdoors will be on display.
A new feature this year is the Bloom Inn, a drinks marquee with the best of Irish spirits, liquors and craft beers....I wonder will they be giving free samples?!
One of the gardens which featured recycling last year.There will be 25 show gardens which always attract the crowds.
Bloom is organized by Bord Bia the Irish food board, they have a Best in Season marquee with fresh food produce and information about it, last year I came home armed with recipes etc.
I am looking forward to seeing the Forgotten Skills section which is new this year.It will have info and demos on cheese making,butter churning,apple pressing and fish smoking.

If Willy Wonka had fresh fruit instead of chocolate this Keelings display would have been what he would have come up with!
It all got too much for this chap who decided to chill out on the grass near the huge entertainment stage.There is a food village also where everything from a 4 course meal to a simple sandwich can be bought and enjoyed either in the restaurant or al fresco.
Bloom is not just about flowers which do feature strongly but veg also shares the stage. There were all sorts of veg in all sorts of containers simply bringing home the message you don't need a huge area if you want to try growing your own

This is one of the displays in the marquee, I did touch because some of them were so perfect I was sure they were imitation!
Anyone travelling up from the country as we are should check with Irish Rail as we only paid 10e each way with the online cheap fares, it is only available on certain trains each day but great value.
There is a courtesy bus running both ways all day. Cross the bridge from Hueston station and keep left, the bus stop is just a couple of metres from the bridge.
Wear comfortable walking shoes as there is so much to see and do.
See Bloom programme and info here


It is Friday week! Today is the 21st,next Fri is the 28th and the following Fri is the 4th!
Peggy said…
Thats Ok two more weeks so!
Matron said…
What a lovely day out! Difficult not to spend too much at those places, money just flies out of my purse!
It sounds like a wonderful day out Peggy - please take lots of photo's to share with us all when you get back ... the food sounds amazing, too ... (cupcakes - mmmmm !)
Ann said…
If I was well off I'd fly over and join you Peggy, it sounds wonderful.
Peggy said…
Matron, the thought of lugging it all home on the train will curb our spending!

Lynda, we will take pics of everything we can to share.

Ann, how about one of those cheap fares?!I dont think I would take a chance on airline flights at the moment with that ash cloud hovering around.
Catherine said…
Hi Peggy - hope you and Kathleen have a ball in Bloom! Should be a great weekend, and will be as memorable as last year - hope you have good weather for more photos. There's an opera (Carmen) on in Lismore Castle stables courtyard that weekend - not going as it's a bit outside my comfort zone price-wise (€85 for the opera, €125 for the opera and a concert in the Cathedral next day - I go to cathedral concerts all the time for about a tenner - and we are saving our energy for Immrama the following weekend - you should make it two weekends in a row and get to Lismore for that one - even take in the Castle gardens while you're there! (check the website for the programme - it's a goodie!)
All the best, Catherine.
Peggy said…
Hi Catherine, that is a bit steep pricewise! prices like those are what makes for elitism, they obviousley do not want the common or garden audience!
Catherine said…
Haha nice pun there Peggy - common or garden audience indeed! Have a lovely time anyway - there was a nice piece in today's Irish Times on Immrama and also on Carmen - in the magazine. the Examiner had a good piece on Immrama last weekend or the previous one.

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