CEJA, European Council of Young Farmers

Matteo Bartolini from CEJA on Vimeo.

You never know who is reading blogs! I am sure many of you have been approached from time to time to feature various items/companies/products etc. I don't as a rule get involved with these requests but this one definitely appealed to me.
I received an email from John Mortell ,communications officer with CEJA...whose them you might ask?!
The European Council of Young farmers in Brussels.
They are trying to encourage and help young farmers across Europe to stay on the land, not to just eke out a living but to increase the value of their farms and produce.
They have a Vimeo video channel,there are just 3 videos at the moment, this young farmer is Italian and there is a French and Belgian farmer also featured.
This appealed to me because he is growing truffles of all things, watch and learn!


Anonymous said…
The video was very interesting...I liked the ideas expressed by the young man about what CEJA was trying to do across Europe. And he was right about farming not just being about raising crops, it's the respect and love of the soil and nature.
OneStonedCrow said…
Hey Peggy - it is VERY important to keep farmers on the land and especially to encourage the younger generation ...

... here in Namibia (and the rest of Africa I guess) I'm concerned about the mass migration of people from the rural areas to the towns an cities ...

... this increases pressure on the towns as squatter camps spring up everywhere and the bottom line is that families are losing their cohesion and more importantly, their ability, their skills, to live off the land ...
Jo said…
Hi Peggy, that's so important to encourage farmers, and young ones at that, to stay on the land. thanks for sharing.
Kelli said…
Interesting video. Hope we don't continue to lose farmers in Ireland.
Jo said…
Hallo Peggy, my outgoing mail is not working and I need you urgently. The cell/mobile number you gave me for your friends in SA is short one digit. Please send to me (by mail, my incoming mail is working) urgently as my sil has someone who can contact them in Stellenbosch. Hope you read your blog comments sometime tonight (Monday) Blessings Jo
Ann said…
This all sounds very interesting, Peggy. I'm glad something is being done to encourage youngsters in farming, it really annoys me that most of our food comes from such a long way off, like Peru!

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