Water everywhere and not a drop to drink!

Here in the south of Ireland and all up the west coast have suffered flooding since last Thursday.Our water supply has been cut off due to damage to the water treatment works and we have to get bottled water for drinking and washing. In the midst of all this doom and gloom the bright spot was Jack Brandon was Christened on Saturday, there was enough water to pour on his head at least!Jack with his Mom Aisling and Dad Nigel.
The Western Rd, the main thoroughfare into the city from the west at the height of the flooding.We had 60 mls of rainfall in 36 hours which is about 270% of our total yearly rainfall. High winds, high tide and a lot water had to be left go from the Hydro electric dam to the western outskirts of the city, all added up to devastating floods in towns and villages and most of the city was under water on Thurs and Friday.The river Lee runs through the city and is tidal right up to the city so if high tides and heavy rainfall coincide some of the city center would flood.After one of the wettest summers in history the dam was full and the torrential rainfall we had for two days meant leaving off the water from the dam in the middle of a high tide had devasting effects.The force of the water coming down stream bent some valves in the water works with the result that we will be without water until next weekend at least.The city have water tankers around the city where we can take containers to fill up for essential needs. All the schools are closed as well until further notice.
I walked around the Lee fields on Sunday morning, I am not mad enough to try to take photos before that!The sun was shining and the worst of the flooding had subsided but it was still a daunting sight to see the expanse of water where there should be green fields.Someone somewhere gave planning permission for a 4 star hotel with an UNDERGROUND carpark to be built on what is essentially the flood area for the river and the dam!This is the entrance to the underground carpark on Sunday morning with cars in there!Residents had to be evacuated by boat at 2 am on Thurs morning.
Stating the obvious!
Walls were swept away by the force of the water
This metal dinosaur is usually surrounded by green grass with walkways around what is a big recreation area for the city.
The green seat in the background gives an idea of how far out the water has emerged. The river should be out of sight behind the tree line to the right.
Sea gulls gathering in a field many miles from the sea.
One of the roads still flooded with water streaming across from one field to another
Seagulls colonising another field
The weir with water cascading over it
The back of the Kingsley hotel ,a tree can be seen tangled in the railings around the water treatment plant
One of the pitches in the Mardyke Sports complex
another wall down in Sunday's Well
The river Lee splits into two at the western edge of the city and flows in two streams around the city to join again below the city much to the consternation of tourists who use the river as a landmark guide!With road closures due to damage to quay walls and flooding, circumnavigating the city for the last few days has been a bit of a nightmare,to say the least.
Trees came down all over the place, while they might have withstood the winds ,when their roots had been weakend by the water they fell.
It is raining again and on Thurs we are supposed to be facing more high winds and downpours needless to say there has been no gardening done but the plots are on high ground and should be safe from floods but the ground will be sodden anyway from the rain.


Latane Barton said…
I had heard about the flooding in England but not where you are. I am so sorry that Mother Nature has dealt all of you such a hard blow. May the water soon dry up and the roads be travelable again soon. Although it is a sad sight I did love the dinasour (heck, how do you spell that?) sitting in the midst of all that water. Poor fellow.
Ann said…
I've been wondering how things are with you Peggy. I checked out the online newspaper for Cork and saw that you were getting it really bad. Glad that you are safe even though life is disrupted. Where we live we usually miss the worst of it, though we have had roof leaks due to the amount of rain and force of the wind. Hope you are weatherproof in your house.
Unknown said…
Blimey - what a nightmare! of course our news has only reported on the flooding in the Lake District, and nothing about Ireland. Good to see your sense of humour is getting you through it, and I'll be praying that your allotment is safe and sound and undamaged.
Take care Peggy, and stay dry if you can.
Matron said…
Gosh! I didn't know Ireland had been hit bad as well, that has not been in the news here. I'm glad you are safe, and your family too! Do you think rice would grow in Ireland? .. you could call them.. Paddy fields (sorry!)
Linda said…
So sorry to hear of the dreadful flooding. The christening must have been a bright spot in the midst of all that.
Peggy said…
Latane, the dinosaur is usually surrounded by grass and a carpet of daffodills in Spring!Good job he does not mind getting his feet wet.

Ann, we are safe from flooding as we live on heights outside the city, thehouse has proved itself weather proof so far!

Scarlett, I have not been out to the allotment yet but hopefully both shed and greenhouse have survived.

Matron, your idea may not be as daft as it sounds, flooding in the west of Ireland may not go down for months and all winter crops have been destroyed, Spring crops may not be sown in time as the ground will be too wet to plough.You did give me a smile in the midst of the doom and gloom!

Linda, The Christening was a bright day in the middle of the worst stroms we have ever had.
How devastating, Peggy! You made some great photos of all the high water and the damage! I just can't imagine them trying to make an underground car park where all that flooding is! Maybe they will re-think that one! I sure hope there has been a very successful cleanup and repair of everything! I hope it will be a bad memory very quickly, with little lost.
Peggy said…
Marie, the cleanup will be ongoing for many months, there will be a lot of water on fields etc.The government have given a measly 10 million euro in aid for the WHOLE country!Many people will not be able to return to their homes for months.There are now a lot of questions being asked about planning given for building on what should be flood plains and drainage areas.
Anonymous said…
Peggy I've been in a chutney making bubble the last week or so and didn't realise you'd been hit so bad. I feel for you - we had the same in Gloucester in July 2007 when our water treatment works and power station were flooded. No water for 3 weeks and many homes (not ours thankfully) flooded and half the city without any power for a week. As hard as it was for many people it created a real sense of community spirit as we queued at the water bowsers to fill our buckets and chatted to people we'd never spoken to before. Gloucester got back on it's feet and I'm sure your beautiful city will too.

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